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A day before the Commander and his squad go out and hunt for the rapture, the events change

"Yuni, Mihara, Rapi, Anis and Neon, The main goal is to find the rapture Syuen wants, Wardress Squad you are in charge on where we must find this rapture while we Counters fight it off without badly damaging it so then Mihara and Yuni could tie it up and sustain it before taking it back to the ark" The Commander went up to Rapi

"You make sure to tell me, how badly damaged this rapture gets so I can call off your command" Rapi nods

"Are you ready to leave, Commander?" Commander lifts his bag and nods

"Yes, let's go" leaving the Commander room, exiting the Outpost they set off to find this Rapture

Surface (The Other Side)

Kepler and Snow White ran for a while

"756 miles was our tour, right?" Snow White called out

"Sure is, if we keep at the speed we're going by tomorrow afternoon we would make it" Kepler replied

"Well we should have started running last night, so, by the time we could've made it back to somewhere around tomorrow early morning we could've made it back" said the girl in white

"Yeah, your right about that one" Kepler picked up the pace and so did the girl behind him

Surface (current side)

"Man this stinks, how are we supposed to know what this Rapture looks like, if this so called ceo can't giv-" Yuni, the small sadist stop her from speaking

"Well there are some prints over here" Yuni happily said

"Good job, Yuni, maybe we will find it after all, your reward shall wait till we find it" said Mihara as Yuni gripping her whip

"Well can I at least whip you once" Yuni pleads

"Well one, wouldn't hurt would it" Yuni ready to whip her, gripping the whip tightly and goes for a mean swing, hearing the crack of that whip made the Counter Squad cringe

"Y'know, I'm not here to kink shame or anything but could you do it somewhere more secluded, where I won't hear the sound of your whip" Anis ready to cringe once more

"Yeah, what Anis said" the so-called spy replied back

"Hey, guys calm down, they are here to help us right now, so we are going to stick together and no splitting" The Commander defending the Wardress Squad

"Wow Commander, Can Yuni whip you?" The Commander shriek at those words, looking at Yuni as she saw a prey ready for discipline

"No, I'm good, maybe some other time" is all the Commander could say not wanting to offend the Nikkes kinks

"Well, Yuni will keep that in mind Commander!" She said licking her lips, ready to whip the poor human

"Yuni, make sure to not scare the Commander, also he doesn't have a big pain tolerance as us Nikkes, remember he is still human and he could die if you whip him like you do me" Mihara tells Yuni, with a shocked expression on her face

"You're right Mihara, I'm sorry Commander, I didn't mean to scare you but this is how I communicate" Yuni lashed her whip back and forth

The Commander looks at his squad, asking for help but everyone looked away from his eyes. The Commander looking at Rapi looking away broken every bond he had with her

'Not you too Rapi' is all he could think at the moment

Hours later

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