Heading North

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A/N: Warning to the gruesome death that will accrue later on in the story

Yeah sorry for spoiling it but I just don't want it to be much of a surprise since there are a lot of light hearted people around here who are somewhat still innocent

Anyways enjoy the story

Kepler, Powder and the Counters walk toward a rapture camp nearby

"Seems like the path is blocked by these bastards" Kepler looked around to see if he could spot an exit but came up short

"Yeah even looking from side to side, the raptures seem to be everywhere" Kepler looked at the Commander and the Commander took the hint

"Let them engage in battle. I'll start clearing house" Kepler turned to Powder

"Can you fight without being commanded?" He asked her

"Yes I can. My NIMPH was removed a long time ago after a incident" Kepler smiled

"A survivor I take it, well them let's go and take 'em head on" Kepler dashed towards a pack of raptures while Powder loaded her Sniper and began to shoot the weak points

The Commander took charge and soon the Counters join the battle but as it started it ended

Neon had to get fixed up as she went to crazy with her firepower once again. Powder was fine but Kepler's only limb which was his left arm was badly scared. The Commander obviously in a panic knew he couldn't do anything but think of a bandage

"I'm sorry to say this but my arm is finally coming off. I guess Snow White wins doesn't she" Kepler laughs softly

"Snow White?" The Commander looks at Kepler

"Yeah she's my partner as we use to travel and fight against the raptures. She also the Pilgrim in White" Kepler describes the Pilgrim

"I think that's the Pilgrim we are looking for!" The Commander said loudly

"Oh, so you're looking for my partner, aye" Kepler grins

"You should have told me in the first place. I know where she might be and it may be in the deepest part of the north. I hope you brought enough Nikkes Commander. It'll be a cold winter night down there" Kepler chuckled menacingly

The Commander felt uncomfortable and looked at Kepler's arm. Kepler stopped laughing and looked at his own arm

"Mind if you use that sewing kit to fix it up. I know it looks bad since it a big cut but this is my only limb left and I just want it to heal normally" Kepler asked as he smiled

Powder grabbed the sewing kit and asked Kepler to go into maintenance mode before she could help him

As Powder fixes the arm of Kepler. Kepler wakes up from maintenance mode, looking around and then his arm which was stitched up perfectly and not a single drop of blood fell from his arm

"That should do it" Kepler looked happy and thanked Powder which she blushed and told him it was nothing

"How do you do that?" A question escapes from Anis

"Do what?" Kepler Counters the question

"I mean how do you wake up from maintenance mode. Shouldn't you go through be switch off from a button or something?" Anis asked

"Like I said I'm a first designed male Nikke which mean that back then when they found out we could die easily, they all gave us free command of our bodies. Whenever I become injured I undergo maintenance and I can just enter it without any problems, just like how I can see my own injuries" Kepler said

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