The Next Trip

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Kepler thought on his strange encounter with the Heretic and the Tyrant Rapture. He reflects on his mistakes and failure from his past self, drowning in his own thoughts. He knew he had to become better and live up to why he was the first Male Nikke to ever survive for a long time but to show it he has to change the way he acts to those around him and start using other techniques, more than just punching away all the raptures

Still this is what they want. Kepler's own weakness is his past failures

"I promised to protect this core for the man, so by the time we encountered her one last time, is to use this" pulling out his pistol

"Snow White made these bullets just incase if we ever had a Heretic in a submission but it seems to never work since they're leagues above us" Kepler put his pistol back in his pocket

"Modernia, do you know what fear is? Could you sense the fear I held? Or did you break the core because you knew what would've happen to you?" More questions popped up in Kepler's head but those questions were his main

"I hope to find the answer but right now I must find a new Nikke Core" Kepler looked around the wasteland to find any dead Nikke's

He made sure to look everywhere but one strange building that was in the middle of nowhere

Looking at how the building was shaped. He noticed it was an old farm house and guessed where he was, before entering the abandoned house he took out his pistol, loaded up. He entered the house

Looking around he finds a light switch which magically works. Continuing his walk, he comes across a living room with a few dead Nikke's who were just lifeless

"These Nikke's must have either died from low power or insanity" He knew not to touch those cores as he believed that it could effect him in some type of way

He continued till he came by a master bedroom on the second floor. He heard something creak and pointed the gun towards the bed, hearing it again he pointed it to a pile of broken wooden boards on the floor and a hand sticking out

He walked towards the pile of boards with cation and begins to remove the boards. As he finished he pulled the hand out to reveal a mass product

"Looks like a Product 08 if I'm correct" Kepler said to himself checking if the Nikke was alive. That's when a bullet flew past his hair and answered his question

"Calm down, Partner" Kepler said lifting his hands up in peace

"Who are you? Where am I?" The Product Nikke said as she got up from the pile of boards

"Like I said calm down. I just found you under that pile of broken wooden boards" said Kepler still with his hands up knowing if he was shot with that bullet it would be the end for him

"Are you a Commander from the Ark? If you are then you don't look like one" the produce Nikke said

"Well one I am not a Commander of any kind but I am a Android" Kepler told the Nikke

"An Android? So are you half machine on the surface"

"I'm actually a Male Nikke who survived the first invasion and so on" Kepler said not wanting to keep it a secret forever

Product 08 looks at Kepler but doesn't see any resemblance to her comrades in the Nikke

"You're pulling my leg aren't you" Kepler shook his head telling the Nikke it was no joke and he was the real thing

"Well can you prove it to me?" Kepler took the Sniper Rifle from her hand and aimed it outside the window where there seem to be a lone rapture minding it's business

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