A Day with Snow White

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Being discharge from Ludmilla's place me and Snow White walked down the path we usually took when I felt like being in the blizzard

"Thank you Snow White, without you I would've been damaged beyond repair or maybe even worse, so thank you" Snow White stops walking while Kepler noticed 3 seconds too late

"Snow White, what's wrong?" Kepler looked confused

"You stupid fool, I thought you wouldn't make it, you know how I am and I don't like showing too much emotion but this hurt me more than it did" Snow White shed a tear

"Hey, hey, now, don't cry, if your that upset then it's my fault alright" Snow White smacked me across the face

"Hey, what the hell" Holding my cheek while I let the pain go away

"You did something so reckless, you even tossed Rapunzel to God knows where" I wonder where she landed

"She told me you toss her because you didn't want her to get injured, correct" closing my eyes in defeat

"Yes, but little does she know, she would've been corrupted if I didn't, Claw Machine could've easily corrupted her if I wasn't there"

"Corruption, what do you mean?" Snow White question

"He had a aux like thing dig into ground quietly and made she he didn't make a sound, that's when I saw its claws arm moving and wiggling and once I saw that it was stretching, I grabbed her hand and tossed her, little did she know she was mere inches or centimeters from being corrupted" Kepler angrily said

"Alright, but at least apologize" She said with a calm voice

"Yeah, that's what I would've done if Chatterbox didn't just come out of nowhere but it was also, Claw Machines fault along with mine as well, since he sounded his alarm" Kepler turns around

"Let's go our separate ways, alright, if I find Rapunzel, I'll apologize" Kepler walks off into the snow but Snow White catches up to him and grabbed his arm

Kepler turns around and hugs Snow White

"I'm sorry that I'm foolish enough to think you don't have feelings" he said while rubbing her hair. Snow White hugs Kepler back

"I'm sorry for lashing out I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" Kepler let go an reminded her

"I don't have feeling, I've lost so much to the point just mere insult are compliments" Snow White frowns

"Yeah sure, what if I died tomorrow, would you cry" Snow White testing his feelings

"Oh shut up, you dying will be just as winning the lottery, never" Kepler snapped back

"See, anger is an emotion" Kepler just continued walking, Snow White followed behind

"Are you going the same way?" Kepler asked

"How about we spend the day together?" Snow White offered

"Sure, why not, I have nothing else to do besides smacking raptures left and right"

"You're always doing that"

"Exactly, that's why I said I had nothing else besides" Kepler playing smart-ass


"Hey can you quit it?" The girl infront of me pouted. I don't know if I should be pissed or find it cute

"Alright let's hang out" The Snow White walks along with me as we pass through the snow, seeing the women next to me, I can only see my late wife but what I fear is that she does almost looks like her but maybe since I'm just going crazy

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