All Out War

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The Commander and the rest of the Counters make their way to the CEO office meeting. The Commander knocks before he could enter, from the other side he could hear Andersen tell him to come in

He opens the door to see the 3 CEO's of each industry and the Deputy Chief Andersen. Aside from them, there seems to be a squad next to the Ceo of Tetra, Drake is next to the Ceo of Missilis and Ingrid has Counters. Andersen goes over the plan with the Commander

"Commander, please take a seat." The Commander sits next to the Ceo of Tetra, Mustang. He looks up at Andersen who begins to go over the plan

"This is how this operation will go. Counters and Café Sweety, you all will begin to take down the surrounding walls. Once that is taken care off, the raptures will arrive, with this Modernia will have no choice but to come out from hiding." Andersen looks at the Commander

"Your job will be to persuade the Heretic, if it bounds to work, you'll bring her to us." Commander was happy to hear that

"But if all due fails. You must use Vapaus to forcefully bring her here where we will use the Heretic to advance our technology." Commander closed his eyes aa he felt nervous

"I understand." Commander turn to look at his squad

"You girls ready?" All three Nikkes salutes replying to the Commander

"Yes Sir!!" They shout. The Commander smiles

"The outcome is slim but be ready. Marian will come home but first we have to get past Modernia." The Commander turns to face Mustang

"I hope to guide your squad with my commanding skills and lead victory." He told the Ceo

"No worries Commander. This squad has never failed on a mission and neither will you." He said in his flamboyant french accent

"Thank you for the encouragement." The Commander said

Andersen goes, on what would be next if they were to manage the Heretic Modernia, Drake looks at the Commander who was ready to bring back his first Nikke.

"Hey Syuen." She whispers in her ear. Syuen jumped a little. She becomes annoyed and answers harshly to the Nikke

"Don't scare me like that. What is it? It better be important." She whispers back angrily

"I was wondering if I could go with the Commander on this mission." Syuen looks at her with a confused sour look

"Hell no. The rest of Matis aren't ready to complete, let alone you." She scoffs turning back to the Deputy Chief who was still talking

"Weather you like it or not I'm going." Drake mumbles out the words with a smirk

"Alright then now that this is done be sure to leave immediately. The walk will be long but it will all be worth it. Meeting dismissed." The Commander got up from his chair and leaves the meeting room with Café Sweety, Counters

They made their way to the Ark elevators and went up to the surface. The walk was the same but shortening the 2 days. Café Sweety were long gone by then

Sugar, a white haired tan girl rode her motorcycle with Milk, a girl with a strong and sharp personality and Frima a lazy Nikke who speaks little. The group left the Counters alone to walk the empty surface.

"That's cheap!" Anis calls out

"Yeah you're right about one thing." Neon replies

"No time to waste let's go." Rapi spoke noticing the squad has come to a halt as Café Sweety pulled out their Trump card

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