Silver Bullet

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Over a month goes by and the Commander is doing better. Still he needs to stay for an extra 15 days so he can be medically cleared to go home. In the mean time the Commander wonders, how is the Pilgrim Snow White doing? He knows she and Kepler are the only Pilgrims he has met in the meantime and wonders if he'll ever meet more of them. Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door, to his luck it was Rapi.

"Rapi? I thought you were training this whole week." The Commander not understanding why she came down to see him, knowing it isn't time for visitors.

"You have to get out before Mary sees you." He feared that she will enter the room with a syringe in hand and inject him with anesthesia

"I came here to inform you that Deputy Cheif Anderson wants to see you when you leave the Hospital. He said he wants to reward you with something." The Commander understood

"Tell him I'll see him soon." Commander respond

"Understood, Commander." She salutes and leaves the hospital room.

"I've been thinking for days now." The Commander puts his hands on his lap

"If that Heretic is really Marian, then what do I do? Kepler can't help me right now and Snow White has gone completely ghost." He slams his head on the pillow and looks at the ceiling

"Maybe Anderson can give me an answer." He turns and tries to sleep

15 days later

The Commander leaves the hospital feeling better than ever. He looks behind him to see Mary and her helper, Pepper who wave him goodbye. He waves back and heads to Anderson's office.

After the long route he took, he made his way inside the building and heading to his office. He knocks on the door till he hears an answer

"Come in." Anderson sitting at his desks finishing some papers and looks up to see the Commander

"Oh you arrived." The Commander nods

"Yes I have sir. Is there something you need from me?" Commander asks

"Well there isn't much to talk about except that the central government has looked through your recent task that was handed to you and I must say, glad to have you in one piece." Anderson compliments the Commander's work

"Suriving a multi encounter with Chatterbox and finding the Heretic Modernia while you were at it and also witnessing them fighting. I must say that you are someone who could lead the Ark one day." Praising the Commander's work he catches himself and looks at the Commander

"Thank you, Deputy Cheif."

"Ahem. Let's get back on track. The reason I called you here is because the Cetral Government wanted to give you a new title for your work ethics and your surviving encounters." Commander salutes

"That's great to hear."

"You and your squad are now in the name of Special Commandos, meaning you will not take any orders that are below the Deputy Cheif, you can now conceal information if it's necessary which makes you all untouchable." Anderson looks at his watch

"I can tell you a few more things like your banishment for the Ark being lifted and how you will permanently be station at the Outpost to document the life up in the surface but I have to wrap things up here and head to a meeting that I have in 4 minutes. Also, you have a month rest." Anderson goes behind his desk while the Commander salutes

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