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The Commander makes sweet potatoes on a pot he borrowed from Kepler. A better meal than splendamin everyday; he can at least taste the real sweetness of it. Ludmilla walks out Kepler's room where he is still resting. She head where the Commander was sitting at a rusty table with a 3 legged chair

"Ahem. Commander?" Commander looks up from his food to find the tall lady hovering over him. Setting his food aside he grabs a napkin where he wipes his face and his hands

"Yes, is there something you need?" He said with concern thinking that he'll be lead out on another mission

"How should I put this?" Ludmilla closes her eyes for a second. That's when she found her words

"I have coordinated the location of Chatterbox and I assume you want to know more about that Heretic, don't you?" Commander looks through the map and it seems to be out the snowy area

"Alright. I'll take a look at the area first thing tomorrow. I need the squad to rest if I'm going that far. I also caught a glimpse of the Heretic and to be honest, if there are more of her around her than I wouldn't mind putting an end to them." Commander said as he stuffs his face with sweet potatoes

"I see. Then would you mind taking Snow White with you tomorrow?"

"I'll talk to her about it later."

"Very well then. I'll let you get back to eating." Commander ate his last sweet potato

Hours later
Kepler was in his bed playing song he would hear in the past. Even in a boring abandoned room didn't satisfy him as all he wanted to do was fight raptures and sleep in the great outdoors. He hears a knock at the door and tells them to come in

"Sorry for to intrude Kepler but I'll be leaving tomorrow." A voice very familiar to him

"Is that so? Did you finally choose to walk the paths alone and make our encounters less coincidental?" She wanted to smack him into next week but sadly she couldn't. Kepler laughs

"I'm just messing with you. I hope your trip is safe tomorrow. May the Gods above bless your travel. I think that's how it went." Kepler puts in one headphone in.

"Mind if you could get the Commander? I have to tell him something before tomorrow." She makes her way out the room and goes for the Commander

"Mother sing a lullaby to her child, sometime in the future the boy goes wild" Kepler humming the melody of the song before hearing a knock at the door

"Enter" he called

"You wanted to see me?" Commander asks

"Yeah, sorry yo bother you all of a sudden."

"No worries. It's not like I'm doing anything at the moment."

"Commander." Kepler said in a soft voice

"Please take care of Snow White. I know she's a strong girl and doesn't let pain ruin her plans with important things but I have a feeling you will see someone soon. Once you finish this trip head back to the Ark at once and later on report to me when you discover a weak spot for that rapture." Kepler went on while still telling him to be careful

"Alright. I get it. I'll be careful." Kepler shook his head

"No. Here take this" the Commander turns around and looks at a silver bullet.

"One shot to the head of the Heretic and she will turn back into her original state." Commander couldn't believe his ears, it was more like a joke to him

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