The Core

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Walking through the dead raptures I came across, I found a place to hide and scanned the rapture core that was inside my chest

18.097% Corruption
14.87% Damage
56.90583736% Recovery

"That's odd and I need to find someone quick if I have numbers like this, unless that pink hair prankster that calls herself a nikke is around here, maybe I could ask her if she seen, Rapunzel" I looked around and took out my compass

"Northeast is my current location, let's see" turning around I made a mark to southwest

"This should be where she must be or maybe Chime could help but she must be busy so let me not bother her" I began walking southwest and looking around the dead surface

"Where once use to be grass, was the life the planet had" I continued walking and stopped

"A step on a crack can easily expose your own footing" as a hat was put on my head

"How can one begin to sense ones presence" turning around was a silver haired woman with a sword behind her

" 'tis simple as the eyes canst not mock ones presence"

"Thou are a natural" She said taking her hat back and placing it on her head once more

"So how has my Shakespeare gotten, worse, good, bad"

"Thy Shakespeare hast gotten good, no complaints" She pats my back

"It sure seems your having a lot of fun, eh, Kepler" I know that voice, a scary one too, turning around I see Snow White

"Bird White?" Kepler seeing the true reason of the 3rd dimension in front of his eyes, with a smack from Snow White

"I thought what we had was special" Kepler looked at Snow White and he saw a flash of an innocent Snow White, a cheerful one with gun building abilities and one who was afraid to get in the battlefield. Now looking at her now she's almost part rapture and has no problem going one on one with tyrant class raptures

"What happened to Snow White?" Kepler said with a sad expression on his face

"Kepler is the reason why thou haven't turn into a Rapture Destroyer" The woman in purple and white

"Shut it Scarlet" Snow White snapped back

"Alright Snow White, Scarlet just got here but in all honesty, you just appeared by chance or where you following me around after we parted ways" Snow White kept a straight face with my question

"Chocolate Bar Splendamin" is all she replied, smacking my face and turning to Scarlet, I asked

"So did you need something from me, Ms. Swordsman" She told me where I was head and told her to Rapunzel to place this Nikkes Core I took off another Nikke

"Seeing how Rapunzel is now, with that corrupted mind of hers" I began to look at my compass

"Southwest, I have a long way to go, also please keep Snow White in your sight please" She sighed

"I'll comeback with a good wine, maybe an expensive wine" her eyes lit up and has gotten her attention

"Snow White shall be with me at all cost, Also I be surprised that back then she didn't crave to be anywhere near thou and would aye be shy or frighted when thou were walk 'i.  Never the less she trust thou to the point, that I think, she hath developed feeling for thou, Kepler" chuckling at what she has told me, it was true. A small Snow White never went near me and was always scared of me as if I where a rapture

Years went by and that day where she was trapped, I did everything in my power to save her from a horde of raptures, I knew I would die but it was worth it. Some of my body parts were eaither shattered or missing and my core was destroyed but a rapture core was able to save me and rebuilding me with rapture part was tough but that's what gave me power and from that day she kept getting close and close till I found my wife's grave and she too followed me there

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