Unlimited Greetings

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After the long blizzard has past, Kepler leaped out of the box that he and Snow White were in. Kepler jumped off the cliff and began to dig his way under to find and pull out the Commander

"Come on buddy you have to be around here just, please!" He digged and digged but he came up short and couldn't find him but he didn't gave up

He digged until his touched something, wool maybe

"Commander?!" He grabbed the leg of who he thought is the Commander and when he pulled it out, it was none other than Anis

"Anis? You didn't make it out of the blizzard" Anis shivering while making her way closer to Kepler

"T-t-thank y-you K-Kepler, for getting m-me out of there" She gratefully spoke

"How long were you down there to get this cold? Is your CPU okay?" Kepler then remembers that the rest of Counters must be under the snow

He continue to dig till he found Rapi then Neon in a matter of 3 hours

9pm and Kepler still doesn't give up hope but he turned up nothing. Now with a tear falling down his cheek, he can see the sky where the northern lights shine bright.

"Did Kepler finally give up? Or did he lose hope?" Powder asked

"I guess he lost hope but I do believe the Commander is still somewhere, if not he got picked up during the blizzard." Rapi looked at the food Kepler made before having some alone time

'I wonder how he makes food like this with just a few ingredients.' Rapi taking a bite with a full burst of flavor

"This is delicious!" Rapi said as it felt that she hasn't eaten anything good in a while

Snow White finished with her food; she was happy with her meal that Kepler whipped up. She saw the Nikke on a thick board laying with his hands behind his head

"Where does he get these items from?" She questions herself

She gets up from her places as the other Nikkes were laughing and talking at the campfire. Snow White makes her presence known, sitting next to him

"The lights are beautiful tonight, aren't they" She said

"Yeah, they sure are. You don't see these everyday while this is only my third time looking at them." Snow White smiles, looking at the man she is close with for a few decades now

"Don't look at me right now. Look at the lights for a change. We would never get the chance again to hang out like this you know." Kepler was right, even though they have been bumping into each other recently, doesn't mean that it's fate but more like a coincidence. They won't get a chance like this when they go their separate ways again

Kepler fell asleep to the cold breeze. Snow White eyes fell heavy and she started to doze off and once that time came she too went to sleep

The other Nikkes were still at the campfire. Anis looked over her shoulder  and saw the two sleeping together on that big wooden thick board

"Hey, Neon?" Neon took out her phone and hands it to Anis

"Thanks I'll be right back" Anis slowly creeps up to them and snaps a few quick shots and runs back

Anis and Neon giggle while Powder looks with confusion and Rapi looks at them with a 'not interested' look

"When they wake up, we'll just randomly take out your phone and show them the pictures." Neon liked the idea

Anis began to stretch her body and yawns, so did Neon

Feeling the hard floor Anis laid on it feeling comfortable after a long day

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