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We then left off where (YN) and the rest heard a gunshot nearby, and knowing (YN), he knew it wasn't from his group, they shoot when he says so, so it has to be one of Rick's people. So he goes and sees, and Rick to follow him to make sure (YN) doesn't harm anyone.
In Rick's home, there we see Carl, who he was the one that shot a gun, as he points and began to threat two savior men grabbing his stuff and Rick's, and one of them goes by David...

Carl: Put some back, or the next bullet goes in you.

David: Hehe, oh kid, what you think it happens next?

Carl: You die.

Rick came in time to stop Carl...

Rick: Carl, Carl! Put it down.

Carl: No! They took all our medicine, they said half only!

(YN) then shows up and isn't surprise at all and all he can do is smile about it...

(YN): Hehe, oh man. Really kid?

Suddenly, Carl says to (YN)...

Carl: You should go, or you will find out how dangerous we all are.

(YN): Oh? Well pardon me kid, excuse the fuck out of my god damn French but...did you just threaten me?? Look, I get threatening David here, but can't have it, not him, not me, not gonna happen-

Rick: Carl please! Put it-

(YN): Rick, don't be rude. We are having a conversation here.

Rick: ....

(YN): Now, where were we? Oh yea! Your giant ass man size balls...not threatening us. Listen, to be a bit real here...I'm starting to like you kid, but I don't wanna go hard proving a point here, and you really don't want that. So when I said half your shit, and HALF, is what I say it is, and I'm serious. So, tell me kid...

(YN) walks up to Carl, and to place his hand onto his shoulder, and looks dead in the eye with a grin look and says...

(YN): Do really want me to prove how serious I am...again??

Suddenly, Carl began to feel a bit scared now, the fact holding a gun and threatening (YN) would work, and to even shoot him if he even gets near...but, he didn't do it, he didn't shoot him, he felt fear, of how (YN) is close to him, laying his hand onto his shoulder, doesn't feel threat at all, and Carl couldn't even aim his gun right, as his arm began to shake...he couldn't hold it any he gave up, and gave the gun to (YN).

(YN): Good thinking. You know Rick, this whole thing reminds me that you have lots of guns, all the guns you have take away, and use to waste it against my people, but I bet you still even have more. So...I'm gonna need them.

Rick: ....

(YN): I'll meet you outside.

(YN) walks out with his men, leaving Carl and Rick alone...

Carl: I'm sorry dad...

Rick: It's alright son, just...don't do that again, okay?

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