Chp.1 The Surprise

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The world has been in shambles and has crumbled down bit by hit ever since the undead has risen, no one knows what started it or how it happen, all they can do, is to survive and try to live as long as they can, save themselves, save up food, drinks, medication...and their lives. Throughout the years there wasn't any cure at all for the walkers, and what makes things worse; No matter how you die, you'll come back alive and become one of the undead.
One afternoon, in the woods, we see couple of walkers roaming around, and yet they seem to be heading towards a school. As the walkers began making their way there, suddenly, someone walks up behind a walker, and to stab it from its head, killing it. This someone who killed the walker behind is (YN). As he is now 25 years old, and yet has a prosthetic arm, that he lost it when he got bitten due to saving Clementine. But thanks to Willy and Mitch, they both worked on making one for (YN) to use both hands. (YN) started rushing through the walkers, stabbing them through their heads one by one, and kicking them down to slow them down and stabbing them after. As he's finished, all the walkers were killed and none to be seen anymore, for now...

(YN): Phew, the last of em. It was a pain, but it's done....I need a new bat.

(YN) cleans himself up and to put his knife away to his scabbard and makes his way back to the school. As he does, he gets a called through the walkie talkie...

Clementine: (YN).

It was Clementine...

(YN): Clem, took care of the walkers you said. I'm Heading back now.

Clementine: Already? Wow, you're quick with it.

(YN): Of course, besides, it's getting a bit annoying using a knife against them, not really use to it.

Clementine: Oh get use to it hon, you'll get a bat sooner or later.

(YN): I hope...that one time you and I went with Violet and Louis to find supplies, not even one single bat I can find.

Clementine: Hey, not all things can pop out magically, just be lucky we found a bunch of duffle bags filled with supplies left's like someone left them behind by accident.

(YN): Accident?? More like a bless to me, but No kidding, at first I wanted to make sure to wait for while to see anyone arriving. Guess we waited too long.

Clementine: Yea, and get surrounded by walkers.

(YN): Just be lucky we made it out with nobody bitten or injured.

Clementine: That, I can agree on.

(YN): Yup, anyways, be there in 5.

Clementine: Okay, be careful.

(YN): I will, love you.

Clementine: Love you too.

They finished up chatting as (YN) makes his way back to the school...
5 minutes pass, (YN) has crossed the little lake and to arrive at the school. As he approach to the gates, he noticed nobody at the front of the school building, and yet it seemed really, really quiet. (YN) enters and shuts the gates close as he roams around and doesn't spot Clem, AJ, Lucille and all of his friends.

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