Chp.9 Raising Hell

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We then left off where the soldiers block (YN) his way out of here, and (YN) only having one choice to take them down: Killing them. He pulls the knife and gun out as he goes charging at the soldiers as they began shooting their rifles and (YN) taking cover. As he takes cover, he pops up, started shouting and landing headshots and not missing. He again takes cover as the soldiers kept shooting...

Soldier #5: Hold fire! Shooting is just wasting ammo! Charge at him!

They all put their guns away and pulling out their knives and go charging at (YN). (YN) pops out as he goes sprinting towards the soldiers. He dodge one of the soldier knives attack, grabbing its arm and to brake it in half and stabbing his head afterwards, he then pulls his gun out and shooting the other soldiers running up to him through their heads. Three of them rush at (YN), one of them swings his knife around (YN), (YN) throws a Joan to his face, snatching his knife off its hand and to stab him through the eye, and injecting it all the way, then to pull it out and stab the other soldier through its head and leaving it their as the last soldier rushes up behind (YN), and (YN) to throw a straight punch with his prosthetic hand, and landing the punch, breaking the soldiers nose and the bone from its nose to pop out, and (YN) to shoot the soldier straight to its head. After that, (YN) left lots of dead bodies on the hallway floor. He goes scooping for ammo, and only to find some keys on of the soldiers pockets.
Meanwhile, Lilly was talking through the radio telling of of his soldiers...

Lilly: I want everything shut down! And that means the gate from outside! Find that son of a bitch and kill him!

After that, she goes to her desk and to check on the cameras to look for (YN)...

Lilly: Where the fuck are you (YN)!!

Lilly looks at one specific camera, where she notice a huge metal door, open, and yet she began to felt her heart drop as she knows what that metal door is for...she panic and knew what that door has behind....

Lilly: N-No! ...the weapons!

Outside, there a huge area, several damage cars used as defense and a huge gate around the building as the soldiers scatter to surround the building. One of the soldiers then spot (YN) appearing out of the building, only then to find out he was holding a heavy light machine gun...

Soldier #8: Shit!! Take cover-

(YN) wasted no time, and began shooting the machine gun, shooting down all the soldiers outside, not missing a body at all, he kept on shooting the machine gun, killing more of the soldiers as his eyes were filled with rage, he kept shooting and shooting as he yells out of anger, killing down all soldiers. Then, he spots more of them running out from the building, and seeing some barrels aside where they are coming from. He drops the machine gun, and to pull out a double barred shotgun behind, and to shoot at the barrels, causing them to explode and killing the soldiers with that explosion. After that, he yells...

(YN): Lilly!!! I know you're in there, you can keep hiding, it don't matter! I'll still find your ass and kill you!

(YN) sprints in the building and to make a run for it going upstairs. Once he arrives upstairs, he spots serval more soldiers appearing as he started shooting his shotgun straight their heads, blasting their heads open, also shooting straight to their kneecaps and their heads afterwards. Then, more of them, and soon to be the last group of soldiers arrive, only this time they're all armed and started shooting as (YN) quickly takes cover and to hide in a room aside. The soldiers rush over to the room, the door is locked as they started kicking it down. Once they did, they all barge in and notice the window open, thinking he may left through the window and to rush and look out...but suddenly...

(YN): Behind you assholes.

They all turns round and to spot (YN), as he baited them thinking he left out from the window, only to realize he was hiding behind the door, and to hold on serval grenades and pulling the pins and tossing them on the floor and to shut the door close, trapping the soldier in...they all scream in fear, panicking to try escaping the room to the window, but were too late as the grenades exploded, killing the rest of the soldier in and sending some flying out the window
With that said, (YN) walks down the hallway, as his focus was to find Lilly and kill her for good. He walks down the hall, and yet to find a room that seems different than the other room, which can only mean one thing: Lilly is in there. He pulls a gun out and have it reload for anything. He then kicks the door down, and enters the room, only to not spot Lilly in here somehow. He checks everywhere to make sure, yet no where to be seen....then suddenly...

Lilly: Looking for me!?

He turns and to see Lilly hit (YN) with a gun, dropping him on the floor with one knee, Lilly aims her gun at (YN), but (YN) sprints at Lilly and tackles her down and to break the gun off her hand. Lilly kicks (YN) off from her and to again aim the gun at him, and shoots a trigger but only to miss as (YN) moved out of the way, and to grab Lilly's arm, breaking her arm, and to brutally kick her kneecap, bending it as well as she drops down on the floor screaming in pain as her arm and leg were snap in half by (YN), and the bones popping out of her body...

Lilly: AAAH!!! AHHH!! Nnnnnrgh...!!!!

(YN): Huh, look at us, here we are know Lilly, I expected you put up more of a fight. What? Did the navy not trust you hard enough? How fucking useless. And, here the important part that I really need you to pay attention, okay? ....You know how people get so mad, all they see is red? Well that shit, is true? Why? Cause that's me right now, all I see is red, and for that, I thank and blame on the motherfucker who's still out there with his stooges, and responsible for the deaths of my friends, AJ...Lucille...and Clementine. I am looking at the world, nothing by gore and blood. It's like, and right now...I'm just starting, I'll be sure that everyone hears my name, everyone should hear who I am, what I am..and what will happen, when everyone FUCKING crossed me, and you, are one of them.

Lilly: N-Ngh!!

(YN): Now, I think this is where you and I say our goodbyes, and also, I think I'm gonna crash here, you got one hell of a place yeah.

(YN) pulls his gun out, and aims it straight to Lilly's head...

Lilly: F-Fuck...You, (YN)!!

(YN): No Lilly...Fuck you. And, also, enjoy being with your dad down there, and I hope the two of you, are looking up from down there, so you can see...what kind of person I am.

And right there, no hesitation, he shoots Lilly through her eyes, ending up killing her for good.
After that, he has now killed Lilly, and the nature soldiers she has, and has the whole building to his own.

(YN): ...I'm tired.


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