Chp.10 A New Life

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It was yet another day, living in a world filled with the undead, never stops at all, it'll keep going, and going...and going...but, not all things can keep going, when it's also hard to keep going forward...and that's the trouble (YN) is having right now, not keep going forward, but why? How could he possible keep going forward when the fact he has no one to keep going forward...he lost them...he lost her.
One morning, the sun rise up, the light beams towards (YN) at the window, he opens his eyes, and rubs them as he gets up from the bed he slept on a room. He stood up and stretches as he then walks out the room and walks down the hallway, walking through the dead soldiers he killed yesterday. He exits the building and heads outside and began to observe the area, noticing it's bigger than his home school.

(YN): ...Looks like I found a new home.

With that said, (YN) began to clean up the whole mess that he made. Throughout the hours, (YN) has collected the whole dead bodies of the soldiers and to pile them up in one big one, and to put Lilly's body there last. He burned their bodies into crisp, easier to get rid of them. He then began cleaning up all the blood inside too, not ouch water, but the best he can do to make it clean at a least. He went through all rooms in the building, and already know he now has lots of weapons, foods, and medication, but, it was a lot of supplies Lilly has store up, which could take years to finish, but (YN) will use them responsibly. He then also notices the building has showers too, and he could really use one. He gave himself one good relax shower, and never felt so relief to take one normal good shower rather than showering in the lake. After the shower, he also used new spare of clothes as well, and only one thing his looks. He notice that he never shaved and has a grown beard. So, he finds some shaving cream and to began cutting his beard first, and to then use a knife to shave off, after that, he was done, he didn't shave off fully, only to leave a goatee, yet wanting to make a new look for once. After cleaning himself up...he then thought about his old home, the fact that he'd left some important things over there...he had to go back and get them.
Some time later, in the woods, we see (YN) walking down the woods, encountering walkers and killing them down with a knife. He then arrives at his home...

(YN): ...This place has seen better days...I'm gonna miss it.

He takes a step in, passing through the gates and to arrive at rhetorical front yard, looking around of how of a mess it is, and the grass being so tall, reaching at (YN)'s waste...(YN) enters the school, and to head upstairs to his old room, and grab everything he has kept. He grabs his duffle bag and to collect everything he has in his room. And the first thing he finds looking through the drawer is his knife, the one Lucille gave him for his birthday, and to see her name carved on the handle of his knife. He puts it in his bag. He then looks down on the floor and to spot a gun, the one AJ, who also gave it to him on his birthday...(YN) looks at it and to take the clip out to see only one bullet...

(YN): the last bullet to yourself. Me and Clem taught that to AJ...

He puts it on his bag...and lastly, he turns to his left...and to spot a baseball bat...and that bat, was given to him, by his one and only love, none other, than Clementine. He walks up to it, and to grab it, and looking at it. Just by looking at his bat, a gift, all he could think of is Clementine. Her beautiful voice, her kind face...and her sweet voice. (YN) was held back tears as he takes a deep breathe, and to put it on his duffle bag. He continued looking around and to find more stuff to take...and to find a bow...
After that, he was done inside, and was time to leave the building, for good. He exits, and to walk down...only to stop for a sec, turn to his right...and to look at the graves one last time. He walks up to them, and to look at each of them one last time before he heads back...

(YN): Well...this is guys.'s gonna be hard for me to say this, but...if you guys can hear me, from up there of course, always know this, and I'll be the man of my word: ...I'm never ever going to forget you guys, at all. Especially you two...

He walks up to Lucille's and AJ's grave...

(YN): ...I wish the two of you would have gotten along way more. AJ would've taught Lucille how to use a gun, and how to survive....he would've taught her lots of things....he would've been a good big brother....and Lucille would've been a good little sister. AJ...Lucille <Mi hija hermosa> ...Goodbye, I always removeré you y oh especially.

He held onto both their tombstones, giving them a hug....and after that...he all's up to one last grave, and will be hard for him to deal with...

(YN): .....Where do I even begin....I mean...fuck! How can I go on, without you? I just...*grunts* ...I don't even know what to even do without you...but...*sighs* ...

He walks up, and takes a knee down and holding on her tombstone name. As he was trying his best to not break down and shed tears...he rest his eye for a bit, and to remember the memories he had with her, from end. He opens his eye up...

(YN): Goodbye Clementine....I love you <Mi amor>...Ill remember you the my heart.

He gives a soft kiss to his hand, and to pass it down to Clem's grave....and to then say his last goodbyes, and to leave. He exits the gates, and to shut them close...and to head back to his new home, taking all of his stuff to remember his losses.
As he arrived to his home base, he was in his room and began putting some stuff in the counter furnitures, and to fix his room, he also brought a recording camera with him, to see the great memories with his he was done already....he then pulls one more item that means everything to him, and will be sure to not loose it at all......Clementine's hat. He carees her hat, looking at it...and to give a soft smell...

(YN): ...You still smell great.

And to give it a hug, holding it tight. And to think smelling the sense of Clem's hat, would make him think that Clementine is right with him, hugging him in person...but that's just in his thoughts.
As couple days pass by, (YN) has been living at his new home, and gathering some supplies as well. Also, he has been training himself working on his body to not loose his strength. Pushups, abs, pull ups, and more. He had his own working out room to get himself in shape after the past months of grieving and mourning. He started throwing punches at a punching bag he made. As he does, he began to think of Clem, Lucille, AJ, and the rest...suddenly, he started getting a bit more aggressive when he began to think of their deaths, and the ones who's responsible for their deaths: Rick Grimes and his group. Just thinking of them made him anger more, and punching the punching bag more and more brutal and harder, until the last very punch...he ended up ripping the bag out with his punch, as the sand started falling off and (YN) tremble in rage, and to look both at his knuckles as they were bleeding out from all the punching....

(YN): Mark my words...I will ruin your fucking life, Rick Grimes, and take what you have.


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