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In the woods, we see couple of trucks driving through a roadway, and they happen to be the saviors. In the very first truck, (YN) was on the shotgun seat, and was in his thoughts about what happen earlier at Alexandria...and the fact he now knows there's kids as well, Rick's daughter, Judith, and Maggie's son, Hershel Jr...

Arat: You alright?

(YN): Huh-oh, yeah. Why?

Arat: You've been quiet, you aren't usually the quiet person.

(YN): You know me too well Arat, but uh...I'm fine. Just in my head for now.

Arat: Okay-

Suddenly, (YN)'s radio speaks, and it's Simon...

Simon: Negan! It's Simon!

(YN) answers back...

(YN): What is it? You sound-

Simon: We got under attack!

(YN): What?!

Simon: It was out of nowhere! Hurry, Dwight and the rest are hurt!

(YN): On our way! Arat step on it!

Arat steps on the gas and to drive the truck faster as the rest follow their lead...
Later, at (YN)'s home base, (YN) and the rest arrive, and to find their base under attacked, some of his men gunned down, and some eaten by walkers and the walkers eating them dead as well. (YN) runs over to the gates and to find Simon...

(YN): Simon!

Simon: Negan! Fucking finally!

(YN): What the hell happened?!

Simon: It happened so fast! We were guarding the base, and all of the sudden Gunshots out of nowhere, gunned one of our men down first! Some broke in but manage to kill them.

(YN): Where are Dwight and everyone?!

Simon: Dwight's fine, Regina's hurt, and Gavin......

Simon stood quite for Gavin, as (YN) did not question it at all and knows what happen to him.

(YN): *grunts* God fucking damn it! Just...fuck!!

Simon: ...

(YN): Wait...they broke inside...No!

(YN) suddenly panics and to rush upstairs to head over to his room, and to rush over to a door he has, leading a small room, nothing important, but does have something in that room, and that is a small locker box with a combination. He gets on his knees and to type the combination number of the locker, and opens it. Inside the locker, is something special for him, something to remember, and something to never loose, and that is a video camera, and in that video camera...holds a special memory, a memory he will not forget, and will never loose it, a memory of his friends, the boys he raised, his angelic daughter...and his beautiful wife.

(YN): Oh thank god. I would loose it more if I loose this...I cannot loose this...

He then puts it back to the locker, closes it and to exit the room and to spot Simon entering his room...

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