Ouija Board? - Markiplier

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Kind of based of experiences I had with those boards plus friends experiences. Also this is really stupid I'm sorry.

It's was a long day today and your best friend Mark is coming over. Mark and you got to know eachother through the YouTube party in New York. Since then Him and you became like best friends. Same interests, same humour, just so equal. And just between you and me, Mark is fucking handsome. I mean look at him, new haircut - his brown hair in a sexy cut, he recently lost his glasses, so he has to wear contacts which suits him just as much as his glasses and his smile - oh my god. His smile is the most beautiful thing in the world. You have to admit, Mark is simply perfect and you do kind of like him.. you know exactly what I mean when I say you like him... ;)

A few knocks on the front door of your apartment made you jump as you lit the last few candles. You sway your match around in the air and jump to the door, opening it to see your best friend in a white skintight tshirt and black shorts. You were simply wearing a black top, light shorts and your black high knee socks. "Hey Mark." You say and hug his torso, inhaling his scent as you do so. God damn it, he smells so fucking good, I could drool. "Hey, Boo." He returns and his voice just made you melt to your knees, mentally.

"You ready for some 'Ouija power'?" You ask and fiddle your hands in his face at the words Ouija Power. "Sure." He answers sarcastically. You let out a giggle and guide him inside, closing the door behind you. "Uhh candles, romantic." Mark jokes. "Douche, it's for the spirits." You say and punch his shoulder playfully. "So, how does this Ouija thing work?" Mark asks you.

"Well, first off all it is really important to turn off any electronic devices." You say and take out your phone to turn it off. Mark does the same and glares at you. "Next, we take a seat and place one or two fingers on the plancette." You kneel down on the floor, infront of you was the table where the candles and the board was. "Alright." Mark grunts and sits across from you, staring at you as he places a finger on the plancette. You do the same and smile at him. "Promise me you won't move it yourself, okay? I trust you." You say and glance at him.

He nodds. "Same to you." He adds. "I've done this a few times by myself and was always successful, so let's do this." You say and smile. "Are you nervous or scared?" You ask him. He shakes his head from left to right, signaling you no. "If you start to freak out when something happens, just dont." You say and your smile turns into a slight frown. "Uhm okaaaay?" Mark says, which made you chuckle.

"Okay, we're gonna warm up the board now and I'm gonna talk." You say and move the plancette to the left of the board and back to the right a few times, then in circles. "Is there any spirit that wants to contact us?" - silence.

After a few minutes of silence, Mark began to laugh. "This is so stup-" - the board moves to Yes, which caused Mark to stop talking. "You moved this thing!" He shouts at you and Removes his fingers. "Don't do that!" You shout back. "Do what?!" - "Don't remove your fingers!" You say as he carefully places them back on the plancette.

"Okay. Hello entity. What is your name?" You ask and wait. "Z-O-Z-O-Z-O-" it continues like this for a few seconds, always from Z to O. "Shit." You whisper. "Whats the matter?" - "Our dear Zozo is a Demon." You say and sigh. "Atleast he says he's so mighty, but I don't believe that shit." You say as Mark slightly freaked out. "Hold on a second. What do you mean he's a demon!?" Mark calls. "Mark calm down." You say and look at the board. "Alright, Zozo. My old friend, what do you want from us again?" You say and smirk. "Y-O-U-R--S-O-U-L." Mark freaked out. "Okay I'm done with this. End this. NOW!" - You roll your eyes. "L-O-V-E" it spells. "Love who?" You ask curious. "U" - you chuckle. "You love me?" You ask the board. It moves to No. "Who loves me?" - "M-A-R-K." - you look up at him. Marks face is burning red.

"Did you move this?" You ask and smirk. "No!" He says. "Goodbye Zozo,I'm sick of your shit." Mark moves the plancette to Goodbye and takes off his hands. "Oh come on. It was getting interesting!" You call and get up, as Mark was walking towards the door. "I'm gonna head home now." Mark says and opens the door. "Mark come on!" You call and run after him, hugging his torso. "Why you so mad?" You mumble into his shoulders.

He let's go of the door and closes it with a sign. "I'm not mad.." he says. "Just.. I don't know." - "Is it true?" You ask and smile into his shoulders. "What?" He says and turns around, you now hugging his chest. You look up at him, smiling like a little kid. "Is it true that you like me?" You ask. "Of course I like you, you're nice and funny. Everyone likes you." He says and chuckles. "No, Mark." You say and let go, walking a few steps away from him, towards the board to put ist away. "You know what I mean." You whisper and push the box where the board was in, under the sofa.

You feel arms wrapping around your waist, from behind. "It is true." Mark whispers as you stand up straight, him still snuggling into your shoulders. You smile and spin around, hugging him tight. "Really?" - "Of course. You're smart and funny, you have the same humour as I do and we can talk about everything. Not to forget, you're really sexy." He says and tries to wink at you in a silly way. You giggle and look up at him, arms still wrapped around his torso.

"I like you too." You say and smile. "Really?" Mark asks suprised. You nodd at him and grin. "I guess Zozo did something right for once." Mark says with a cute chuckle. "I guess so." You whisper and let go of him, walking towards your couch.

"You want to watch a movie or something?" Smiling, you turn around to look at him. "I really like to do something else.." Mark says as he walks towards you. You grin and wrap your arms around his neck. "What did you have in mind?" You ask and lock your e/c eyes with his brown ones.

"Maybe this~" - Mark leans in, connecting his lips with yours as his hands take a grip on your hips, pulling you closer to him. You smile in the kiss and press your own body against his as you get on your tiptoes.

The both of you lean out, smiling at eachother for a moment before you take his hands. "I wouldnt mind doing that a little longer." You grin at him before his lips are once again pressed against yours. You stumble backwards and land on the couch, Mark hovering over you, kissing you softly.
As his free hand, which he didn't use to support himself, was caressing your waist softly.

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