Meet my family! } Mark

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Meet my family! A Markiplier fluff.
I'm in the biggest Christmas mood, even though I'm a grinch when it comes to Christmas.

"Mark.", you take his hands. "It's going to be okay.", you look up at him with a smile. Today is the first time your family is going to meet Mark, your boyfriend of 9 months.
"What if they don't like me? We will be here for the next two days!", you could firmly see the sweat on his forehead. His blue hair was hidden under a beanie, because he thought your parents might kick him out for it. "Mark.", you sigh. "They will love you!", you convince him and take a hold on his arm, guiding him to the front door. You knock on the door and feel yourself get overly excited to see your parents and to let them meet Mark.

The door swung open and in the doorframe stood your mother. "(Y/n)!", she called excited and wrapped her arms around you in a tight embrace. "Hey mom.", you smile and return the embrace. "And you must be Mark.", she leans out of your hug and smiles at Mark. "Yes, 'mam. It's nice to finally meet you.", Mark reached out his hand but my mother waved it off and opened her arms. "I've always been a hugger.", she says and hugs Mark just as tight as she hugged you. You smile at Mark, whose face seemed pale. "Okay mom, don't kill him.", you hear your mother chuckle as she let go of Mark, who took a large breath.

"Let's go inside, you two.", she holds the door open for us as we climb out of our shoes and place them inside. The house smelled like cinnamon, orange and vanilla, which threw me back to my childhood. "Kathy is excited to see you again.", your mother says - reminding you of your little sister. Kathy is a short 16 year old girl with dark locks, a button nose and grey eyes. We step into the living room and loud roaring was heard. People were shouting your name excited and you walked over, greeting your grandparents, aunt and uncles and your little cousins. "Guys, this is my boyfriend Mark.", you pull his arm towards you, to have Mark standing next to you. The Crowd smiled and called "Hello Mark!", in sync.
You look up at Mark with a smile and hug his arm, knowing they all liked him.

"You can take a seat if you want, I'll dissappear into the kitchen for a second to look for my dad.", you peck Marks cheek as he took off his Jacket and placed it on a hook in the hallway. "Also, don't be afraid to take off your beanie. As you can see, my aunt likes crazy hair colors." - it was true. Your aunt loved to dye her hair in the craziest colors. Blue, dark green, bright red, purple, pastel, silver.
Mark nodded and took off his beanie before walking back into the living room, taking a seat next to your grandma which imidiently began to chat with him.
You smile to yourself. 'I knew they would like him.'
You place your jacket on the hook and tug on the sleeves of your shirt before walking into the kitchen.

"Daddy!", you open your arms as you step into the kitchen, where your father was helping your mother cook. "My princess!", he pulls you into a hug and pecked your forehead softly. "I'm so glad you could make it. I know how expensive a plane ticket is from L.A.", he says with a smile. "Yeah, thanks to my boyfriend. Without him I would not have made it.", you return the smile.
Your father's face turned into disgust. "You brought him with you?", he asks and turns his back towards you. "Yes?", you cross your arms. "Is that a problem?"
Your mother stepped in between. "(Your father's name)!", she says and smacks his shoulder. "Mark is a nice guy. You don't even know him yet.", she defends Mark. "I'll go get him.", you say and walk back into the living room.

Before you made your way to Mark, you hear screeching from behind you before you fall to the front. "(Y/n)!", the female voice called and you let out a groan. "Oh my god, Madison. I thought I would die.", you chuckle as she helped you up. Imidiently her arms were wrapped around you in a tight embrace. You smile and nuzzle your face into the hair of your little sister. "I've missed you.", she whined. "Ive missed you too baby.", you say. "I'm sorry to drop you but I need to get Mark.", you say and step towards Mark. "Come.", you reach out your hand, which he willingly took. You send your family a smile and intertwine your fingers with Marks.
"Awwwhs" and other sounds came from behind as you walk towards the kitchen. "What are we do-", Marks palms began to sweat and his face turned pale. "Daddy,", you smile up at Mark with a fake smile before turning towards your dad. "This is my boyfriend, Mark.", Mark wiped his hand on the back of jeans before holding it out and forcing a smile on his lips. "It's nice to meet you, sir.", he says with a convincing voice. Your father stared at Mark for a moment, looking down at him before taking his hand with hesitate.

Surprise was visible in your father's face. "He has a firm handshake.", your father says and looks at your mother. Your mother was just as anxious as you were but both of your faces softened when your father said those words. "Thank you, sir.", Mark says with a real smile. One of his gorgeous smiles, which made your knees week.
"So, you are the man dating my daughter?", he asks Mark as he scanned Mark from head to toes. "Uhm-", Mark stutters. "Yes, s-sir.", you take a hold on Marks hand and give it a soft squeeze. I'm here. It said. No need to worry.
Mark returned the squeeze. I know, baby.
"(Your mother's name), (Y/n)? How about you two go set the table, while I have a talk with Mark here?", you look up at Mark who send you a smile. But in his eyes was pure anxiety. You look at your mom and bite the inside of your cheek. "Come on, honey.", your mother placed her hand in the small of your back and pushed you out. You grab the plates off the counter and your mother snatched the silverware.

"Dad's gonna tear him apart.", you say to your mother as you begin to set the table. "No he won't.", your mother cleared her throat. "At least not a lot.", she chuckles as you send her an evil glare. "It's not funny!", you slam the plate onto the table, causing it to crash. "Ow.", you hold your wrist and stare at the deep cut.
Imidiently Mark came running out. "What happened?", he asked but then noticed the cut in your hand. "Oh no, Babe.", he took your hand carefully, to not hurt you, to get a better look. "Honey.", your mother said and rubbed your back. You bite your tounge, to not shed a tear. "It's going to have to get stitched.", Mark says as he walks down the hall. He comes back in his jacket and your jacket in his hand. He wraps your jacket around your shoulders. "I'll take her to the hospital. It shouldn't take longer than two to three hours till we are back.", Mark says. He walks into the kitchen, your mother behind him.

"Baby.", your father stares with a frown. Mark comes back with a fresh and clean cloth and wraps it tight around your hand, to cover up the cut and to stop it from bleeding. "Mark?", you turn to your father as he spoke. Mark stared at him. "Drive safe, son.", he says with a small smile.


That was the story of how your father accepted Mark.

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