{Requested} PT. 1: Believe in Magic. - Mark

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For your information!
This was requested and I think this turned out pretty cute.
(Y/n) - your first name
(L/n) - your last name
(H/c) - your hair color
(E/c) - your eye color


Yesterday was quite a surprise for you, when your boyfriend of four strong years - Mark - asked if you had anything planned for the next day. Why you were surprised? He is always so into his YouTube channel, that the two of you barely had time except in the evening. You shook your head no. "Okay", he said and smiled. "Be ready around 7."
You stared at him confused. "In the evening?" - Mark chuckled. "No, Babe. 7 in the morning."
You weren't quite sure if he was being sarcastic. "I have something planned for the whole day, so if you'd be ready by then, that would be great.", you nodded before heading off to bed.

There you were, brushing your teeth in the bathroom at 6:30 am. You were still a bit tired but at the same time excited, what Mark had planned. You had literally no idea, so the excitement grew in you. You brushed your hair and did your make up before rushing into the bedroom to slip on a pair of shorts and a loose top. You were checking your phone for a while before going down, just to see Mark already waiting with the car keys in his hands. "Okay, really -", you walk up to him and peck his lips. "-Where are you taking me?"
Mark send you a soft chuckle but shook his head from side to side. "You'll find out then.", he says. You let out a frustrated groan and rush over to slip on your converse. Afterwards, the two of you rushed out to the car.

You had no plan where the two of you might go and after every turn Mark made you kept on asking, if the two of you were finally there. "Not yet, Babe.", he always said with a bright smile. You were just too excited to keep calm. It's been weeks since Mark and you spend a day together, the last time. The sun was already up, on a beautiful summer day and your phone showed it was almost 8. "Okay, we are almost there.", he turned into a small street but you didn't bother looking up, because you were looking through your Facebook. "Babe?", Marks hand landed on your knee, getting your attention. You glance up, humming. "We are here."

You look up through the windshield and feel your whole face light up. You were standing in a parking spot, direct sight at the big entrance. The entrance showed in Big letters: D I S N E Y LAND C A L I F O R N I A.

Your eyes widen as you begin to squeak like a little kid. You've always wanted to go to Disneyland but either you never had the money or the time to do so. "Oh my god!", you rush out of the car and stare at the big entrance. "You didn't!", you turn around as Mark had catched up with you. "I guess I did.", he chuckled softly and wrapped one arm around your waist. You get on your tiptoes and peck his lips a few times. "Oh my god, you're crazy.", you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face in the crook of his neck. "Definitely.", he chuckles and presses you gently against himself.

You release from the hug and stare at the huge crowd of people, which were probably all waiting to get in. Your face turned into a frown. "It's gonna take forever to get in though.", you sigh. "That's what you think.", he grabbed your hand and pulled you into the middle of the crowd. "Okay.", he called very loud which caused you to tilt your head to the side. The crowd formed a half circle around you two as Mark took a hold on both of your hands. Only a few people stood directly in front of the entrance, waiting patiently. You look around and chuckle. "Uh, Mark what is happening?", you face showed how confused you were.

Mark squeezed your hands gently with a small smile. "(Y/n), you know how much I love you, right?" - you bring out a small nod followed by a questioning: "Yes?"
He chuckled. "It's been now four years since we came together and I couldn't be more happy in my life.", he sighs, seemingly in thoughts. "I mean, we had our ups and downs but we mastered them easily, I'd say. But I think this whole relationship thing isn't working out anymore lately."
You stare at him confused before a small shock caused you to shiver. "(Y/n) (L/n), I love you more than anything in this world but I want to end this Relationship and start a new chapter for the both of us.", he let go of your hands as you were nearly crying by now. You were shaking which caused Mark to smile. "So I'm asking you-", he pointed at the few people who were standing in front of the entrance. Their hands, which were behind there back, came to the front and they held up a sign each. As you stare at the letters you begin to cry. The people spelled out: "(Y/n), will you marry me?"

Marks hand took a hold on yours which got him your attention. You look at him but your eyes look down, where he was on one knee. In his free hand he held a small box, which was opened. In the box, a beautiful engagement ring. "You are crazy.", you whimper between the sobs before wiping your eyes with your fingers, to not ruin your make up. "Will you marry me?", he asked with a bright smile. All you could do was nod and hum in agreement. "Of course.", you say as Mark smiled at you. He placed the Ring on your finger before you bend down to kiss him softly a few times.
The crowds began to cheer and you made out a few faces. There were parts of Marks family, some of your friends and as you saw who was walking towards you - you had to crouch down and cry for a second before walking towards your father.

Your dad and you had been fighting a lot because he didn't think much of Mark the whole time. A guy, playing games on his computer for a living wasn't something he wanted for you. "Oh my god.", you glance at Mark as he helped you up and brought you to your father. "You brought him here? All the way from the east coast to California?", Mark patted your back and nodded with a smile. "He'll be here for a week.", he explains as you reached your dad, who greeted you with open arms and a proud smile. Not to forget the teary eyes. You embrace him and begin to cry as the crowds began to separate, some entering the place who were just here for Disneyland, the others who belonged to you were standing around you in a circle. "Dad.", you cry out as you buried your face in your father's chest. "Hey baby." He chuckled softly. "Did you.. did you agree with this?", you lean out and stare at him, the tears just streaming down your face. "Mark and I had a long talk, on Skype. He wanted to do it in person but Skype was just fine with me.", he smiles at Mark before wrapping him in a tight embrace. "Take good care of her, you understand?", he says.

Mark chuckled and patted your father's back. "I've been for four years and I'm willing to do it for the rest of my life.", he says. "I asked your father for his blessing. A little old school but it was important to me.", Mark said as he turned to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. You hug Mark tight and thank him for everything. "I'll be waiting at home for you two.", your father said. "Mom's going to be happy to see you.", he adds. "W-what?", you voice was shaking with excitement. "She's h-here?"
"Your parents resisted in taking us out for dinner after our adventure.", Mark said and pecked the crown of your head. You just stood there, shocked and anticipated. Your dad smiled and wiped his eyes before wrapping you in a warm embrace. "Have fun, I love you.", he whispers before pecking your forehead. With those words he left, snatched the car keys from Mark, to get the car. "I'll pick you two up around 10 tonight.", he called before entering Marks car.

You were flashed by what just happened but excited at the same time. It's so early in the morning and already so much had happened. The two of you greeted the rest of your friends and of course Marks family before they all left. You entered Disneyland for the first time in your life and were already excited for what might happen, this early in the morning. As the two of you rushed inside, you couldn't resist squeaking in excitement. The sky was bright blue and the sun shone down at the big amusement park.

I have to split it up, it's going to be too long and I'm still working on the rest.

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