Best Friends - Mark Fluff

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Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Your Last name
H/C - your Hair color
E/C - your eye color

Okay go.

Your phone rings in the middle of the night, making you wake up. You groan and turn around to see Mark written over your display. Oh no, this cant be good. Before answering the call you check the time. 3:38 in the morning. Fuck. You swipe your thumb from left to the right of your display and hold your phone up to your ear. "Hello?" You say in a grumpy voice. "Y/n?" Marks voice slurred. He is drunk, you could tell he is. "Mark, why are you calling me at 3:40 in the morning?" You ask tired. "Y/n, I really.. really really need to tell you something. And I-I knew I could not do it.." a hiccup followed before he continued. You chuckle. ".. could not do it sober. So I drank a whole bottle of captain Morgans with Doctor Pepper and some Fireball shots." He says. You stayed quiet, listening to what he had to say. "Are you still there?" He asks. "Yes, I am listening." You say and roll over on your back, running your fingers through your h/c hair. "Oh, okay. Well. I.. I-I. We have been best friends now since we-we were thirteen, right?" He asks you. "Yes, Mark. Since you were thirteen. I was almost twelve at that time." You say and chuckle. You could hear him laugh and just smile to yourself. "And. I talked to Wade, I talked to Bob. Hell, I even talked to my brother Tom. They all said.. They all said I-I need to tell you." He says and his voice broke in the middle of the sentence. Is he crying?

"Im all ears." You say and listen. "Well." He started to sobb. "Y/n, ever since I met you I could not t-take my eyes off of y-you. I have gained feelings for y-you, ever since I turned sixteen." He says. Wait he .. is he saying he loves me?

"Uhm, okay. So what are you trying to say?" You ask curious. Mark completely broke down, he just started to cry and hyperventilate. "Mark calm down. Tell me what exactly you mean." You say and try to comfort him. "I-I cant." His voice cracked, it was horrible to listen. "Are you at home?" You ask. "Yes, but if you mean my apartment - t-then no..." he answers. "Where are you?" You ask, now really worried. "Can you please.. p-please.." he bursted out crying again. "Mark! Where in the world are you!" You shout into your phone. Mark hangs up. "Shit! What do I do!" - your doorbell rang and you jumped up and ran towards your front door. Mark was leaning against the doorframe, crying. "Mark.." you say softly and send him a smile. "Y/n. Im sorry. Im destroying everything." He says and falls into your arms, crying into your shoulder. "What? No! Dont say such things. Come in, I'll make you a tea." You say and pull him inside. "Lemon tea?" He asks like a little kid. You chuckle and nodd. "Yes, lemon tea." You say and help him inside, letting him down at your couch. You make him the tea and place his cup infront of him while holding your own in your hands, taking a careful sip. "Y/n, I really really like you. Cant you see?" He says, turning towards you.

His beautiful brown eyes were red and puffy from crying. His cheeks flushed in a dark crimson and dark undereye circles are visible. "Mark." You say softly and caress his cheek. "This is not going to destroy anything." You say and take another sip of your Tea. "Y/n, I love you." He slurrs as a few tears glide down his cheek. You sigh and pull him in for a hug. "I wish you would have told me when you are sober." You whisper. "Why?" He ask, sobbing into your neck. "Because you wont remember it anyways tomorrow." You say and crack a smile. "Wont remember what?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at you.

You gently cup his face and press your lips softly against his, kissing perfectly together in sync. Your lips move beautifully together as if they were a dancing couple. His hands take a hold on your waist and pull you closer. "Does that mean.." he starts as he leaned out of the kiss. You smile at him. "I've always loved you. You were always cute towards me, treated me like a guyfriend and not like a feather just because I am a girl. You told me when I looked ugly in a dress or when my make up looked shitty, without being rude or an ass. You were always honest and kind towards me. You made me feel safe and loved." You say and caress his cheek. He leans in and smashes his lips against yours. You taste the alcohol in his mouth but just ignore it. This was the moment you always wanted. This is what you have been craving for so fucking long. "I love you." You whisper and place your forehead against his. "I love you too." He whispers and kisses your lips again. "I guess I should g-go home now" he says and chuckles.

"Im not gonna let you walk those 20 minutes this drunk at 4 in the morning!" You say and grab his hand, pulling him into your bedroom. "You stay in my bed, Im gonna nap on the couch." You say and take off his jacket and t-shirt. Mark kicks off his jeans, leaving him only in his underpants. You blush and pull the blanket over him. "Sleep tight." You say and peek his lips. Just as you were about to walk out he grabs your hand. "No. P-please, stay. I want to sleep with you. No! Not like tha-that. I mean.." he groans out in frustration. "I'll shut up." He says and hides his face in the pillow. "Mark, I know what you mean. You mean, in the same bed, cuddling." You answer as you crawl under the blanket, your back towards him since you were always sleeping on your side. He wraps his arm around your waist and snuggled in between your shoulder blades. "Sleep tight, my love." Mark mumbles before he drifted off to sleep. You smile to yourself "I love you." You whisper before drifting off to sleep as well.

A few hours later (sponsored by the voice actor of the spongebob time skips)

The hot sun hit your face through a little space between the curtains. You rub your eyes and sit up in bed. "Wow, thats a pretty weird dream." You say out loud before stretching. A sigh followed soon after, when you realized it was all a dream. You get out of bed in your cute Markiplier Pyjama shorts that you made out of the long PJ pants and a plain blavck tshirt. Your stomach decided to call out for food, sounding like a big ass wale. "Woah, okay. I should really eat. What time is it anyways?" You grab your phone from the nightstand and unlock it. 2:11 pm ?! "Shit." You say and groan out. You walk downstairs, when suddenly your nose was filled with the sweet smell of pancakes. Wait a minute.

You peek your head between the metal of the staircase, just to see .. Mark. He was making Pancakes, only in his Boxer's. Meaning, no tshirt or Pants. You blush and squeal like a little kid. Mark looks over his shoulder, flashing you a handsome smile. "Good morning." He says and chuckles. "Or should I rather wish you a Good day?"

"What are you doing here?" You ask and raise an eyebrow. Seems like this was not a dream.. "And I thought I would not remember anything that happened this morning." He says and laughs. You couldnt help but laugh with him. "Wait so, you really came over drunk and told me..?" He nodds and smiles. You just ran towards him, as he opens his arms for you. You jump into his arms, legs around his torso while your face is burried in his neck. "I thought it was just a dream." You mumble into his neck, placing a soft kiss on his shoulder. "I thought so too, but when I woke up this morning, next to you, I knew I was not dreaming. He says and grabs your thighs to carry you better. You smile at him, placing your forehead against his. "I cant believe this really happened." You say and look into the beauty of his brown eyes. He chuckles and leans in. "I will make you believe it."he says and closes the gap between your lips, by pressing his against yours. Your hands tangle in his dark hair as youe lips move perfectly together.

"Y/n, will you be my Girliplier, or oldschool- my girlfriend?" He asks with a shy smile. You squeak and burry your face in his neck again. "Yes yes yes yes YES!" You say and cup his face, kissing his lips softly. "I love you, Y/n." Mark whispers. "I love you too, Mark."

+1500 words

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