Why me? } Jacksepticeye Fluff

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For your information:
(Y/n) - your first name
(H/c) - your hair color
(E/c) -your eye color
(S/t) - your SKIN TONE } (Pale, white, brown, suntanned, dark..)


You stand in the mirror as you have just gotten out of the shower, only wearing a top and a pair of shorts. You didn't feel confident anymore, even though these were your favorite shorts. Your eyes showed signs of under eye circles and your usually shining (h/c) hair looks dull. Your eyes seem so cold and your body just didn't feel right. You let out a sigh and turn one more time in the mirror. "You okay, Babe?", surprised you turn around and gaze at your boyfriend, Sean, who's been watching you from the door frame. "I .. Sean, can I ask you something?", you speak and take a seat on the bed. Sean followed you and took a seat next to you, his hand taking a soft grasp on yours. "Anything.", he smiles up at you. You send him a sly smile which took much effort already.

"Why me?", you ask him. Confusion spread across his face. It's not like you two have just gotten together. It's been now years and your low self esteem has always brought you to tears. Still, you weren't strong enough to talk to your boyfriend about it. "Wha..", he shook his head before gazing at you. "What are you talking about?" - you gaze at your lap for a second, watching as you (s/t) thighs touch. "Why me? Why do you love me? I just..", you sigh. "I just can't understand it.", you say look up at him with tired, sad eyes. "Because you are absolutely beautiful, inside out.", he sends you a sad smile. "Don't tell me your insecurities are coming back, Babe."

You avoid his eye contact and sigh. "I just don't - ", you were interrupted by Sean. "You have a beautiful heart and you love me truly. You show it everyday to me.", he pecks your cheek before cupping your face. Your (e/c) eyes stare into his big ocean blue ones. "You have a beautiful face and beautiful hair.", he pecks your nose before letting his hand run through your (h/c) locks. "You have a cute nose.", he pokes your nose which caused you to smile slightly. His thumbs caress your cheeks as he is holding your face in his hands, his eyes staying glued to yours. "Your eyes are the most beautiful shade of (e/c) I have ever seen in my whole life."

You glance at the floor before looking back up at him with hesitate, a small smile plastered on your face as your cheeks flush red. "Your (s/t) skin is absolutely gorgeous. It's so soft smooth.", he let's his one hand rest next to you as his one hand ran along you arm. "Your hands are almost always warm and they fit into mine, as if they were made for mine.", he intertwines your fingers as you gaze down at your hand, softly fitting into his. You begin to smile as your heart began to beat faster. "Your lips are the perfect size for me. I just want to kiss them all day, everyday.", he leans in and pecks your lips before fully kissing you. Your back hit the matress as Sean was hovering over you, his hand running along your waist and up your top. He kissed down your neck, to your collarbone. "Your body is absolutely beautiful in every way.", he kisses over your stomach. "Your belly and belly button are beautiful.", he comes back up to you and kisses you softly. "Your legs are absolutely beautiful and your feet are so small compared to mine, which I adore.", he grins. "And your name sounds like music to my ears. (Y/n).. It just sounds so beautiful. Just like.. you."

You couldn't say a single word. The way his soft voice spoke to you made you believe his every word, just like that. There was something special about him, something that always made you feel unique when he was with you. Something that made you proud of yourself. "You are just so fucking beautiful.", he breathes against your lips before connecting them again in a soft kiss. As you two lean out of the kiss, you gaze at him with a smile and teary eyes. Sean knew he did nothing wrong so he just accepted the tears. He caressed your cheek, still hovering over you. "I love you because of a lot of things.", he says and sends you a warm smile. "But mostly because you are you."
You cup his face and press your lips against his in a passionate kiss. "I love you so much.", you whisper, because it suited the mood between the two of you so well. "I hope you never forget that.", you add before pecking his lips again. "Thank you, Sean."

"I won't forget it.", he whispers and pecks the tip of your nose. You run your hands up his neck and to the back of his hair to push his head down for a strong but sweet kiss. "Promise?", you breathe as the two of you lean out from the kiss. Sean flopped down next to you, pulling you on top of him, you lay on top of him, your head resting on his chest. Your chin was steady on his chest as you look up at him. He chuckled slightly. "Pinky promise.", he held up his pinky and you hook yours with his before smiling up at him.

Your head landed back on his shoulder and you listen to his heart beat, just laying there and appreciating the presence of the other.

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