Wonderwall Part 2 } Jack

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This is a sequel to the first part.

Also: things written like these are YOUR thoughts.
Things written like these are JACKS thoughts.


Your head was spinning with emotions, unsure of what to answer, neither you knew if you should answer at all. He didn't fight once after the break up and decides to pop back into my life like it's no big deal?
You choke back some tears and force a sarcastic laugh. You were hurt but the butterflies in your stomach grew as you read that line over and over. Your phone buzzed another few times, it was a phone call by the same unknown number. Your hand gripped your phone tightly as your eyes were burning with anger. You love him, but you hate him oh so bitterly for what you've went through. With a loud cracking sound, your phone hit the nearest wall and bounced off the carpet on the floor.

All that was broken, was the screen. Your phone lit up with a text message which you were too afraid to read. "Leave me alone!", you scream in pain as you clung onto your hair, tugging violently as you felt as if you were going crazy. Your phone kept buzzing with new text messages, spamming you carelessly. As you fell onto your back, curled up in a ball you began to slightly swing yourself to sleep, but the noise wouldn't stop.

Tired and sad, you crawl off the bed and clasp your phone in your hands before going back on the bed and reading the messages. The screen has been broken roughly, making it hard for you to read the messages.

10:55 - (Y/n) please answer the phone
10:56 - I need to talk to you!!
10:57 -(Y/n) ....
10:58 - I'll be waiting at the park
10:58 - please come
10:59 - I'll be there till 11:30
11:00 - please answer
11:00 - let me know if I should wait or not
11:01 - please come

You check the time, just barely after 11 at night. Your brain was keeping you home, but your heart pulled you back to the door. As you reached the door nob, you felt anxious, unsure and hurt. You felt more hurt than ever and the pain felt as if it was getting to the point where it's unbearable. Six months were a long time to you, you felt lonely and broken in that time, depression was hitting you hard and this might be the chance for you to get back together again. For now, you wanted it but at the same time you were asking yourself if it's the right thing. Your thoughts were spinning in your head as you took a step out into the chilly air and close the door behind you.
Well, here we go. Sean, don't make me regret coming.
As you drew closer to the park, you began feeling cold. Why didn't I bring my jacket, I knew how cold it was. Shaking your head in disappointment of yourself, you kept on moving until you reached the park.

You reached the park, grasping your phone tightly and looking around. There was not a single person to be seen. Tears were swelling up in your eyes as thoughts came flashing into your mind. He didn't mess with me, did he? He didn't play a damn joke on me, did he!
Angrily, you message the number.

11:16 - where r u

You were boiling with anger. If he is pranking me I will break his face.

"Right here.", a voice came up quietly behind you, just a few feet away from you. In surprise, you jumped slightly and a cold shiver ran down your spine as the sadness washed away your anger. Brave, you turn around and stare up at the person behind - now infront - of you. It was indeed Sean, his smile went from ear to ear. "You came.", he said surprised. You look around for a second, unsure of what to say. You didn't want to be honest: How could I not have come? - You just go with: "Don't make me regret it, Sean.", followed by a deep and exhausted sigh.

His smile slowly faded to a worried and sad grimace. "You wanted to talk? Go ahead, I'm all ears.", you say, to bring up the conversation and mostly important to bring down your curiosity. "Yeah.. right.", he ran his hand through his hair. "I had this all planned out so well, I mean what I would say if you actually come but now that we are face to face..", he puffs up his cheeks and let's the air out in a thoughtful manner. "You look amazing, (Y/n)."
You huff, choking a laugh. "Don't tell me I just came here for a lousy compliment, Sean. Get to the point please, I'm tired.", your words were cold and full of the pain you've been feeling this whole day. Sean's eyes widen in surprise. She's never been this harsh and loved when I complimented her.

"I love you.", Sean blankly said and looked at you. As you looked back into his eyes, you were looking for something, for a hint. A hint that it might be a lie. A hint of loneliness. But what you found was worse. You found a hint of love in them, a small shimmer in the darkness of the night. Your heart sank into your stomach almost as if breaking apart once again. "Uh, w-wow, okay. I mean, I knew that, you wrote that.", you tried to keep your cool but it has never been harder than in this situation right here. "(Y/n), i am sorry. I know I didn't do any good when I broke up with you, neither for me nor for you. I love you, I do. And I can't handle any of the things in my life if you aren't by my side!", Sean stepped a bit away, turning around and groaning frustrated as he clunged his hair. "I miss you, okay?", he whispered softly as he turned back, towards you. "And I love you."

Your hands began to ball into fists, anger boiling inside you as your heart was pounding restlessly against your ribs. "You say that now!", you scream. "Now, after six god damn months, six painful, teary and exhausting months! You show up in my hometown, bump into me and decide that it's great to just bring up these words! You could have called! You could have wrote me! Shit,  you could have come over before I moved!", you clench your teeth as anger hit a whole new level. "You motherfucker!", you scream on top of your lungs, "you knew I was moving! You knew it and didn't give a Shit about me moving, me in GENERAL! How dare you to even-"

You walked towards him, your fists lifted you began to hammer them against his chest. "- show up here and act as if you were so god damn heart broken, when I was the one falling apar-" your hands were held tight in Sean's grip as you were pulled into his grasp before he flung his arms around you and suddenly you were quiet. The two of you stood there, he was holding you close and suddenly everything was quiet. It felt like time stood still and you began to cry silently. "I know a sorry won't make it better..", he pushed you slightly out of his grasp, still holding you. "But maybe this can."

He leaned in and pressed his lips gently against yours.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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