Mark... Mark, no. } Fluff

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For your information:
So, Mark got Heely's. How can I not make a chapter about this?😂
(Made this chapter months ago - forgets to post it. Fml )

"Baby? You received a package.", you call up the stairs as you just got a package from a postman. You wait for an answer before just shrugging it off and placing the package on the kitchen counter. Usually Mark told you when he ordered anything, so it made you curious what might be in the box. You walk past the kitchen, into the living room - taking a seat on the couch. Your mind wanders to the package. It was quite big but it wasn't heavy at all. The size could have been for a laptop or a small TV, but it wasn't heavy enough for that.

You were interrupted by a loud scream. "They are here! Yes!", Mark shouted as he stormed into the living room, taking a seat next to you as he held the package in his hands with a knife in between his fingers. "What did you order?", you ask curious as you lean your head against his shoulder. "You'll think I'm crazy! But oh my god..", he took the knife into his hand and cut open the top part of the box before tossing the knife carelessly on the table in front of you. You raise an eyebrow and sit up straight, looking at the box with anticipation. "I bought a pair for the both of us!", his fingers slither into the cut he made into the cardboard box. "Mark, just tell me what it is alread-", you stop when the box was ripped open, by your boyfriend.

Inside were two pairs of.. "shoes?", you ask confused. They didn't look too bad. Actually they were really pretty. On top were larger shoes, signaling that those were Mark's. They were dark grey with a blue stripe on the sides. "Not only shoes!", he smiles at you as he placed his pair on the table. You hiss and grab the shoes, placing them on the short, dark carpet, which was resting underneath the table. "What?", Mark asked confused at your hiss. "Shoes on the table bring bad luck or rather fights.", you remind him of the old saying your grandmother used to teach you. Mark chuckled softly as he pecked your cheek before handing you your pair. They were bright white with a dark blue stripe on each side. "Oh, they are so nice!", you look at the White leather texture and run your fingers over it gently. "Like I said, they are not only shoes..!", he grabs something from the bottom of the box before taking your hand and placing a see through package into your hand. It contained small dark blue rolls in them.

"Don't tell me these are..", - Mark interrupted you while ripping his package apart. "Heely's!", he called excited and tried to press the rolls into the bottom of his pair of shoes. "You did not really buy Heely's.", you face palm mentally as you glare at Mark, who finished placing the second roll into his shoes. "It's going to be so much fun!", he seemed so excited over these shoes that you just played along to make Mark happy. His happiness has always been yours as well.
"That's so cool.", you say with a slight smile, watching as Marks smile grew wider. He grabbed your pair of shoes and put the rolls in place before handing them back to you. "Let's go out! I wanna try them!", he called as he slipped them on and walked towards the door.

You call for Mark, which caused him to turn around from the front door. "You're not wearing any pants.", you say with a giggle as Mark looked down at himself. "Oh.", he chuckled. "I tend to forget that." - you smile. "Yeah but only when you are overly excited.", you say and watch as Mark rushed upstairs to put on a pair of shorts. It was a lazy day for you as well, but you were in a top and a pair of sweat pants. You slip on the shoes and look around, to make sure nobody saw you. You had Heely's when you were a young girl, not older than ten. They always were your favorite shoes but you thought you grew too old to still have them. Well, ever since you met Mark, you knew it was okay to be a child from time to time.

You jog slightly towards the front door before leaning back on your heels and sliding over to the door. You stop yourself, by leaning forward onto your feet and smile to yourself as you took a hold on the door nob. Mark came sprinting down to you and smiled as you blew some of your hair out of your face. "Let's go, Babe.", he pecked your lips and opened the door for you, watching as you walk out before grabbing the keys and following you outside. The drive way was a slight hill. It was perfect for skating down on your new Heely's. You walk down the steps before leaning back on your heels and gliding down the drive way before stopping on the street. Mark followed after you, slightly shaking on his heels. "How come you are so good at this already?", he asks as he stopped directly in front of you with a side smirk. "I loved these as a kid.", you shrug and take Marks hand. "You will get the hang of it."

Mark takes your hand and you intertwine your fingers with his before smiling up at him. The street went down hill, which was the perfect route for Heely's. "How about we grab some ice cream?", you ask Mark with a smirk. He smiles happily and pecks your forehead. "My treat.", he says as he sprinted forward pulling you with him. The both of you lean onto your heels and rush down the hill on your new Heely's.

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