Wonderwall. } Jack

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For your information:
If you don't want to get on the Feels train , don't read.
I beg you.

Also: things written like these are YOUR thoughts.
Things written like these are JACKS thoughts.

You find yourself wandering around the city, the thoughts draining in your head. Today would've been your 5 year anniversary with him, - Jack. Who would've know things might turn out this way, things might break you this way. You thought it was a joke at first, when he said that he can't handle this relationship anymore. Staying a bit longer, you realised how serious he was, so you packed your bags and moved back to Los Angeles, USA from Ireland. It was a nice day today, quite warm and very sunny. You put on make up again which you haven't done a lot in the past 4 years because Jack didn't like it much. He found you prettier without it, at least that's what he said. You even wore your favorite white summer dress with the cute white ballerina flats. It was his favorite dress on me..

You feel yourself choke a few tears back as you keep your head focused on the pavement you were walking on. You didn't know where you were heading, you just wanted to get out of your apartment. Everything remembered you of him and the couples strolling around the park didn't make it better to forget him. You wanted to go see Mark and Ryan, but they also reminded you of him. The humour was just too similar for you to laugh but rather cry about it. It's been now half a year since you moved back to your home city but it surely hurt like the first day. You didn't have a shoulder to cry on, nobody actually knew. I don't even know why he broke up with me. Did I get too clingy? Annoying? Did I love him too much?..

You reached a bench where you sat down with a book and your earphones plugged in, music pounding in your ears. You felt like this is the only way of shutting the thoughts up.
Someone took a seat next to you, glaring at you for a couple of minutes until you looked up from your book. "Oh my god, hey!", you call and nearly tear your earphones out of your ears. Your best friend Connor (Franta) was sitting next to you with a wide smile on his face. He was the one who showed you YouTube, who showed you amazing places and amazing people. He returned the greeting and hugged you. "Why didn't you tell me you were in L.A.?", he asked confused, the smile still on his lips. You close your book and stare at it blankly. "I uh.", you clear your throat. "I didn't want to make a big deal out of it."

Tugging a strang of your hair out of your face, you look up at your close friend. "Since when are you here and how long are you staying?", he seemed excited since he always asked for you to come visit. A sad smile appeared on your face as you look into the park. "Since six months. I don't plan on moving some time soon again.", you shrug. "I have my old apartment again."
Connor stared at you, you see out of the corner of your eye. "What?", he asked surprised. "Alone?", he added and placed a hand on your back. All you could do was nod, talking was hard now because the memories flushed back into your mind, spinning quickly in your head. You felt sick to the guts, almost like throwing up. "Did he and you..", Connor knew it wasn't the best to speak out the truth so he asked halfway which you answered with another quick nod and and a slight sob. "I am so sorry.", you were pulled into a hug. This was the first shoulder you could cry on but nothing came out. You didn't want to cry now, in general. But still, this would have been the perfect opportunity to do so.

"I'm good, don't worry.", you breathe into his shoulder and lean away, running your hand through your hair nervously. "You know if you need something you can call me. I'll be there imidiently."
Again you nod, not knowing what to say. "I .. really want to be alone right now if it's okay?", you ask quietly and look up at him. Connor didn't know what to say, but he appreciated your honesty. "But I will call you maybe tomorrow. We could hang out again?", you knew he didn't feel good in leaving you alone so you tried to make him less worried with that question. "We don't have to if you don't want to. Just let me know that you are okay.", he answered with a small smile as he was lifting himself off the bench. You placed your book and phone next to you on the bench and got up, hugging him tight as you whisper a soft goodbye.

After Connor went away you got back to reading until it was almost dark. When the sun went down you made your way back home. Passing the bar across the park you bump into someone, dropping your book. It was my fault, I was focused on the steps I took.
You pick up your book as you were still on your knees. "Sorry.", a voice said which made your eyes widen. "My fault.", he said. No fucking way.
Your insides turn at the sound of the voice and the hand that was reaching out for you, to pick you up. You look at the hand for a second, thinking if you should grasp it but decide not to. You climb up yourself, straighten out your dress and clasp your hands tight around the book. "It's okay. It was my fault. I didn't look where I was going.", you answer quietly.

"(Y-(Y/n)?", that irish accent made your skin grow goosebumps. What in the world is he doing here? Why is Sean here!
You finally look up from the floor you kept your eyes on and send Jack a sad smile. "Hey Sean.", you say monotonous. "Wow um.", he scratched the back of his neck. "You look good.", he send you a slight smile, showing his honesty. "Thanks.", your lips begin to tremble as you stare into his beautiful blue eyes. The same eyes that said I love you once. The same eyes that made you laugh. And the same eyes that broke your heart. Jack knew you were hurting, but he was hurting too. I didn't plan seeing her but god damnit, she looks beautiful. She is wearing my favorite dress..
"H-how are you?", why is he trying to small talk?
"Good.", you feel the tears burn in your eyes as your voice cracked slightly "you?", you ask back. She is hurting, badly. Seeing her like this, hearing her like this is painful.
He nods sadly. "Same."

"I have to go.", you look to the floor. As you were about to walk past him, he grabbed your hand. Fireworks shoot through your body and your legs begin to shake violently. You take your hand from his before turning around, a tear falling from your eye. "(Y/n) I..", he started but glared at the floor nervously. You wait patiently. I love you. "I'm sorry.", he said and looked up at you. He wanted to say something else. I see it in his eyes. I want him to know. "Sean.", I love you. "We can't change it.", you feel another tear run down your cheek. Why is this so hard?

Of course we can change it. I still love you god damnit!
Jack ran his hand through his hair. "You're right, but I wanted to let you know that I never meant to hurt you.", he says in all honesty. You nod. "Is that everything?", I'm giving him one last chance.
Come on Sean! This is your last chance. Tell her! Tell her how much you miss and love her! "I guess.", Jack turned away slightly. "Sorry.", he took a few steps in the other direction as you were crying silently.

"I love you.", you whisper and watch as stopped walking for a second, lifting his view from off the ground, now looking in the direction he was walking. He sighed sadly and continued to walk. It's officially over. This is all I needed to know.
You rush home, feeling the tears burn in your eyes. As you arrived at home, you threw yourself on your bed. "I can't believe this. I was working my way towards getting over him!", you shout. "And then this happens and all my feelings are fucked up even worse!", you scream violently into your pillow as you cry.

Your phone buzzed three times.

You pick it up to see a text from an unknown number.
The first numbers showed it wasn't an American number.

I love you too, (Y/n).

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