Too tall, too full..#Mark

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Markiplier - Too tall, to full.
If you hate Christmas, don't continue lmao.

"Honey, come on.", you turn your head to look over your shoulder when you heard Mark call for you. "One second!", you call back as you pull Marks sweater over your head. You loved wearing his Christmas sweaters with a pair of leggings underneath. On your head there was a bobble cap that matched the sweater perfectly. "Baby!", his voice got slightly annoyed and you feel your cheeks turn pink as you slide down the chairs before slipping on your boots. "Okay, I'm here.", you say and smile. "I'm sorry.", you gaze at the ground with a frown. "It's fine. But you chose to buy a Christmas tree, so you should be the first one to be ready.", he places his hand in the small of your back and pulls you close before kissing your lips softly.
"Yeah, I know. You know how clumsy I am at times.", you walk out the front door and feel the snow crunch under your boots as you make your way towards the car. "You're not clumsy.", he says and opens the drivers side door. You look up at him with a raised brow. "Okay, sometimes.", he finally says with a smile.


You jump out of the car, excited at the sight of thousands upon thousands of fir trees. You rush into the field and look at the different shapes and sizes and feel yourself lost in a maze quickly. "(Yn)?", you hear Mark call. You look around and try to follow his voice. A sigh escaped your lips when you suddenly hear it. "Marco!", Mark calls and you smirk. You crouch down before jumping up. "Polo!"
Mark had to laugh and the game repeated. "Marco!" - "Polo!", again you jump and watch as Mark came closer to you, until he didn't call anymore. You look around and frown. "Mark?", you call. Suddenly you were picked up by your waist and begin to screech. Mark picked you up and spun you around. "Oh my god, stop!", you giggle as he let you back down. "Found you.", he says and pecks your forehead.

"Alright.", you look around. "Which one do you like the most?", you look up at Mark as his gaze wandered over the Christmas trees surrounding you. "How about that one?", he pointed at a short, broad, one. You walk up to it and stare back at Mark with crossed arms. "No.", you look back at the tree. "It's just as short as I am!", you whine. Mark chuckled. "I know. It's just as adorable as you!", he pinched your cheeks and talked to you as if you were a child. You give him an evil glare before looking back around. "That one!", it was a large tree, full and tall. "How in the world is this thing supposed to fit in the living room?", Mark asked as he placed his hands on his hips, looking up at the tree.

The search went on like this for another whole hour. "It's too tall." - "too short." - "not wide enough" - "it's dull"
Until suddenly a tall, full one catched your eye. It's needles were in a gorgeous dark green, making it look like it was painted. "That one!", you say and walk up to it excited. "I want that one!", you smile excited and look up at Mark. "Are you sure?", he asked and looked at the tree for a second before gazing at you, waiting patiently for an answer. You nod your head uncontrollably. "Definitely.", you say. "Okay.", Mark grabs the tree and drags it smoothly across the floor. "This is the one."


"Can we decorate it now?", you ask excited. "I uh..", Mark scratched the back of his neck. "I don't have any decoration. Usually it's not cold enough so I don't buy a tree and mostly I stay in Ohio over the holidays."
You look at him and tilt your to the side with a shocked facial expression. "You're kidding, right?" - he shook his head. "I'm not."
"Awh man.", you sigh. "But we can go shopping tomorrow.", he says as you flop down onto the couch. "But I wanna decorate..", you whine.
"Well, we could get into the kitchen and start baking. Then you can decorate cookies?", he suggest and you feel your eyes light up. "What are we waiting for?", you call and jump up from the couch. "Let's go!", you call and tug on Marks sleeve.

"How about we first kick off our shoes?", Mark says with a chuckle and pulls you back towards him. "We have time.", he whispers as he gazes into your eyes before softly kissing your lips.

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