Family Kinship

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With life moving ahead with the beautiful bounties of Allah (SWT) , we get so consumed in making sure you yourself and your close relatives are pleased with you , that you tend to forget SO many other DISTANT blood relations.
One reminder , SubhanAllah our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) gave was to "Keep GOOD bonds with everyone , especially your relatives <3 ".
We as the Ummah of our beloved Prophet(saws) need to develop in ourselves and realise the huge power we have in ourselves , just as we are called His(pbuh)'s Ummah.
"With great power , comes great responsibility"

"Allah Never burdens a soul more than it can bear".
Give heed to the slightest things you've neglected. Pull yourself up and set things right.

Even if practically everyone is running away from you , you don't run away too.

Always STRIVE HARD for keeping good bonds in shaa Allah khair <3 . Its definitely a HUGE responsibility :').
May Allah make it easy for you and for others . May Allah always bless you to keep ALL your family bonds beautifully intact. May the love in families increase just for Allah's sake <3.
#AameenYaBadi-u-Samaawaati-wal-ard <3

REMINDER : 1.)Get EVERY family head's mobile number and make a broadcast group and SAVE IT , in shaa Allah khair :')

2.) ALWAYS no matter how busy you might be , make sure to remember close , super close , distant and very distant family members in the BIG events of YOUR LIFE.

Its one thing to experience the backbites of our sisters and brothers of Islam , but when they tend to be 'your' family member ( close or distant) it will HURT MORE than you can imagine. Even if 'Backbiting' is one of the 'MOST' SINFUL thing , there will always be Muslims who will unfortunately (for them) do it.
Its one thing to LEARN from others experiences and be cautious and be a step ahead than them . And its an entire different Crazy Burden to experience it yourself. Naozubillah .

May Our Rab , Our Creator , Our Lord , Allah , the Muta'aalee (The One Far Above The Creation) make us amongst the people who He(SWT) is pleased with. May He(SWT) make us amongst the Al-Muttaqun and the Al-Abrar (the pious and the righteous) <3
Forgive us all Ya Rab .

As the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said in the Hadith that is found in Bukhari and Muslim narrated by Anas (Radhi Allahu Anhu), he said: "Whosoever desired that he be granted more provision, and his life be prolonged, should join ties with his blood relations".

Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says which translates as: "So would you perhaps if you turned away, cause corruption on earth and severe your ties of relationships. Those who do so are the ones that Allah has cursed, so he deafens them and blinded their vision" (Muhammad 22-23).

Allah says which translates as: "And those of blood relationship are more entitled in the decree of Allah than the other believers and immigrants" (Al-Ahzab: 6).

So fear Allah, seek his help and his pleasure, and adhere to Islamic manners. May Allah protect us and preserve us, our descendants, our loved ones and help us to maintain and comply with His Commands and to be obedience and to follow the Sunnah of His Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).
#AameenYaRabbi ❤

Don't you want Allah(SWT) to be pleased with you and smile down on you and send His heart relishing blessings on you ? :)
In shaa Allah khair <3
#ReminderForLIFE :) #AlhamdulilahAlKAREEM :).

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