Tawakkal in Allah

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"Tawakkal in Allah "

'TRUST' in the Supreme!
Trust in the Creator, Al Khalaaq, who created and nourishes each and every single cell of ours.

As a kid, Trust ,could easily be defined by me through this instance, when I used to walk all alone on the street, and when there's this ferocious looking dog, sitting, like its soon gonna haul up on me. I would chant almost every Qur'an verse I knew, and just clench my hands tight and stop my heart from yanking out of my chest, due to fright.
(Alhamdulillah, till date, I've surpassed it successfully (*creepy smirk *))

وَمَنْ يَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ فَهُوَ حَسْبُهُ
"And whosoever puts his Trust in Allah, then He will suffice him" (Al Qur'an, Surah At Talaq, 65:3)

Pick a year, month, day, moment, where we feel overpowered !
Almost every tiniest of situations are unexpected. From the moment like, "I can't find my shoe, I'm already late !" , to " I have no clue how I am going to walk past through the valley of death and still hope to come out alive " . (Well, you can go ahead and tell your mum, you broke that favourite vase of hers and for certain you would feel that vibe of haunt xD)

How many times is it that we feel our life is in the midst of turbulent unpassable storms in the oceans roaring out terror of defeat.
But hasn't He said?

"It is your Lord who drives the ship for you through the sea that you may seek of His bounty. Indeed, He is ever, to you, Merciful."
[Al Qur'an, Surah Al Isra, 17:66]

Sow the seeds of Tawakkal, Beautiful Trust, on Ar Razzaq, The Provider, in your heart and soul.
Nurture it, and don't let the strong winds let your sapling go round the twist.

'Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal Wakil’: حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
"Sufficient for us is Allah, and He is the best Disposer of affairs. (Al Qur'an, Surah Al Imrān)"

SubhanAllah, for certain, Tawakkal, Trust in Allah is the most precious and most serene feeling that we mere humans can ever have.
Let Go! ; do everything in your might to achieve it ( Tie Your Camel, then place your trust in Allah) and then see the miracle happen.💫

Be certain of every word of utterance of your pray that leaves your breathe, He will grant you with something even more better and uncomprehendable than the Bestest. In shaa Allah .

And when you start feeling that you won't be granted your desire, "Oh , its too much to ask for" , just remind yourself :

"🔅O My servants, if the first and last of you and the human and the jinn of you were to gather together on [the same sector ] of land and all asked Me and if I were to give everyone of them what he asked, that would not decrease what I have more than a needle decreases what is in the ocean when it is put into it. O My servants, it is but 'Your deeds' that I reckon for you" 🔅 [Sahîh Muslim]

"Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]."💛
[Al Qur'an, Surah Al Imrān, 3:159]




That hadith👆❤
As beautifully as it makes my heart nourish in the magnificent bounty of my Lord, the same time it makes me  abhor myself for not being even close a speck worthy, for being blessed to be His Ibadi.

Just how Mighty our Lord is, SubhanAllahil Azimi wa bihamdihi.

"The Day We shall gather the Muttaqûn (The pious) unto the Most Gracious (Allaah), like a delegation (presented before a King for honour)."💛
[Al Qur'an, Surah Maryam, 19:85]

Make us amongst Al Muttaqûn (The pious) Ar Rahmaan.

I can't wait to see my Rabb.
I can't wait to be near Him.
I can't wait to have a house near Him.
I can't wait for that eternal joy!

The thought of the burning Hellfire doesn't scare me as much as the thought of never seeing my Lord.

It makes me feel like ripping my soul apart for being the sinful soul it is.

O Allah, Al Ghafoor, The Forgiving, cascade down your mercy and forgiveness on the wretched state of our souls.

As there is not a single space left in Jannah where there isn't an Angel prostating and gloryfing your infinite Divine Majesty, make our lives too count along in the grandeur of  your praise.

Just as gallantly each and every Prophet and Sahabi are close to you, through your infinite Love, O Al Muhsi , The Counter, count us amongst them too.
People who are close to you.
Now and forever.
Basking in the excellence of your glory, love and might.

O Allah!  Make the best of our lives the end of it. And the last of my deeds the best one. And the best of my days the Day when I meet You.

وَاجْعَلْنِي مِنْ وَرَثَةِ جَنَّةِ النَّعِيمِ

"And place me among the inheritors of the Garden of Pleasure."💚
[Al Qur'an, Ash Shu'ara, 26:85]

Aameen Ya Badi'us samaawaati wal ard.

"The heavens almost break from above them, and the angels exalt [ Allah ] with praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on earth. Unquestionably, it is Allah who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
[Al Qur'an, Surah Ash Shuraa, 42:5]


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