Wayfinding 🌊

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As ripples I started my way from the shore, never realised the bay would take me into it's bounds in such a gush.

Here I am now, as a high tide wave, completely offshore, with no base, terrified by the torrential ocean of evil, money, pride and fame. Absolutely clueless of when the next strike would leave me disastrous.

Still, in all this darkness, chaos, and screams of horror, there is a flicker of light ignited by Noor'us Samaawaati wal Ard [The Light of the Heavens and the Earth], the only force that's been all along in my lonely plight.

A soother to the mind, a safe haven to the panicked heart.
Saying, "Allah doesn't burden a soul more than it can bear" [Al Qur'an]

There's so much I've got to learn, so many trials of evil I got to fight, so many patches I need to mend in my soul, but yet in all this, Al Jabbar [The Mender of broken hearts] reminds me time and again, to strive to remain calm in this predicament, as all my affairs are handled by Him, who is Al Kareem [The Generous Lord], in the most precise way that only would leave me in awe by His love and bounty.

Close your eyes and imagine to be a Jannati.
Being blessed to be more unimaginably goregous than a Hoor al ayn of the greatest known beauty.
Imagine spending an endless period of tranquillity, with love over flowing in magnanimity,
Imagine gatherings with Prophets, Angels, Mother of the Believers, the Sahabas.. could we ever contain the joy?
I couldn't say. Maybe One Day, in shaa Allah khair.

And then imagine seeing Al Rabbul Aalameen, [The Lord of Universes, and all that exist] ...

This duniya [world] is just a drop of water, compared to ocean wide aakhirah [hereafter] my dear habibti, so hold tight the rope of sail, in your path of wayfinding in the sea. And believe :-

"It is your Lord who drives the ship for you through the sea that you may seek of His bounty. Indeed, He is ever, to you, Merciful."
~[Al Qur'an, Surah Al-Isra', Ayah 66]

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