The Withholder

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"From the perfection of Allah's ihsan (blessing) is that He allows His slave to taste the bitterness of the break before the sweetness of the mend . So He does not withhold from him, except to give him. And He does not test him (with hardship), except to cure him. "
-Ibn Ul Qayyim (RA)

No amount of effort can add sakina to the heart, it is only Allah swt the القابِض Al-Qaabid (The Withholder) who whenever He, the البَاسِط Al Baasit (The Granter of Ample Provision ) includes all the blessings in time lesser than an eye blink make it tranquil.All it takes is you asking and Him saying Kun Faya Kun. (Be ! And It is)

"He holds All things in His care and control ". (Surah Al -Anam)

"We will attend to you, O prominent beings." (Quran , Ar Rahman)

'O Most Subtle Bestower of Hidden Favours, Assist us by Your Hidden Favours! '

We tend to fret and whine about things that we don't possess and lose our trust in Allah SWT , Al Qaabid (The With-holder)

But know that He SWT is Al Basit (The Giver of Ample Provision) , and

"Allah is Most Generous and He dislikes to turn away empty the hands of His slave when he raises them to Him . " (At Tirmidhi)✨

The Owner of the Majestic Throne , the Heavens , and all the Universes, Allah's plans for Us are beautifuly better than Our Desires :')
SubhanAllah !



A/N :

Asalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu :) ,

SubhanAllah, the first time a few months back , I had heard Al Qaabid (The Withholder) ,as the name of Allah Azwajal , I was in real bewilderment , wondering why would The Most Supreme keep away blessings from His slaves ?

Why call Himself as 'the Withholder' ?

I usually pick a name amongst the Beautiful Names of Allah Azwajal , and then ponder a tad bit over it , mostly by writing my thoughts about how that beautiful name makes me feel . And then I use that name during my dua :) Alhamdulillah .

But Al Qaabid was one name I didn't use in my prayers.

It wasn't until I read the quote of (at the beginning of the article) Ibn Ul Qayyim (RA) ,when Allah's name Al Qaabid came rushing to my head :D

And I had to write down my thoughts about it . ^^

SubhanAllah, like every other Asma Al Husna (Name of Allah) has left me mesmerized, so has this name :)

- SoulOfUnknown :')

(Very small #Note for any person facing hardship in life and is finding it difficult to turn to their Lord , Allah) -

May Allah Azwajal help you open your heart and bring you towards Him in a beautiful way. #Aameen

Habibti , if you don't allow Allah , Al Musta'aan (The One who is sought for help) to help you ,

Who is the Only source of help , SubhanAllah !

Then how could any mere human to help you habibti ?

How hard would it be to just wake up for atleast a fewdays , 10 minutes before Fajr , and pary Tahajjud ?

Its the time Our Lord is Most close to us.

When we don't think before transgressing our souls ,
then what's stopping us from healing the broken part of ours ? #Souls !

Its about you reaching out to Allah SWT , Al Jabbar ( The mender of broken hearts).

Its about falling down in sujood and crying to the One who is seeing you placed in a storm of whirlwind.

Allah's love is 70 times more than the love of our mother.

So when you cry out to Him sincerely , putting out a hand to be pulled up !
Don't you think , Al Wadood (Most Loving) would pull you up gloriously ? In shaa Allah. :)


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