(1) marriage purposel

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At singhania
Here everyone is sating on dinning table while eating there food when rohit said.

Rohit: guys i want to say something.

Ranveer: what dad. Say it.

Rohit: now you guys know it's age of marriage so we want your confirmation. What you guys think about marriage. I'm not only asking this question to ranveer I'm asking this question to you all.

Ranveer: i don't have any problem dad. if you ok with it.

Krish: sorry uncle but I don't to marry now. I want to feel love. I want to do love marriage. I want time uncle.

Ruhani: I'm ready.

Janvi: I don't know about marriage but if you choose him. Then he will be nice guy. I know you always want me happy. You will choose good for me

Sabira: i--

Rohit: sabira beta first focus on your goals then marriage.

Sabira: ahh I'm just three months younger then Janvi but all treat me like a baby. I'm not a kid anymore.

Shrijal: yeah we are also saying that you. Are. Not. Kid. Anymore. So. Focus. On. Your. Goals.

Sabira: ahh you all are bad.

Janvi: ohh see who is saying queen of badness.

Hearing her everyone start laugh at her.

Koushal: ok so tomorrow is Sunday we found three person we can meet with them.

Ranveer: who are they.

Vikram: meera. A 23 years old girl. Her parents dead when she was 16. Have a younger sister.

Second. Mihir khurana. A 25 years old and famous singer. Have mother his only family.

Third. abhinav oberoi.age 26. Ceo of oberoi interprise.

Krish: wait abhinav oberoi. Dadu he is mafia king.

Vikram: so?

Ranveer: do you think he will be good life partner. U mean he is mafia and also have anger issue. He can harm her.

Koushal: no. I know he have anger issue. His dad id nice guy. His dad said he is ready for marriage.

Sabira: but he will marry?

Kaushal: mihir for janvi. And abhinav for ruhani.

Ruhani: why me.

Rohit: because we know that you are the best!!

Ruhani: ok uncle.

Janvi: but uncle is he ready. mean he choose her or not.

Kavita: he choosed her.

Sabira: now I will be alone.

Janvi: don't dream so high. Miss sabira destiny doesn't take time to change your life.

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