(4) burned...

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At night
In singhaniya house
Here Meera was in his room sitting on the bed.meera was little about him. After sometime later he came room. He look at her. And went to her.

Ranveer: I'm sorry but I'm not ready yet.

Meera : it's ok today lots of things happen.

Ranveer: thanks for understanding.

Meera: actually I want to ask you something.

Ranveer: say. don't hesitate

Meera: ishika--

Ranveer: don't worry about her. She is sleeping in janvi's room. From now on that room was her. And she is slept. I think you also have to change and sleep as you are also tired.

Hearing him Meera went to bathroom for changing ranveer changed his clothes in room.after changing Meera came there and laid on bed when ranveer said.

Ranveer: i have some work so you sleep. I'll sleep later.

Meera : ok.

Saying that she sleeped and ranveer started to do his work on laptop. After finishing his work he also slept beside her.

Other side.
Here ruhani is sitting on bed. She is not waiting for or something like that. She is thinking about her family.

Ruhani's POV.

Everyone.. everyone mess up just because of him. Idk what was happening there. Are they worried about me. Is they angry with me. What abhinav had did with them.

I was thinking about my family when he entered the room. And went to his cupboard. I don't want him here. But he is the only person who can tell me about my family. But he will not tell me. What I do now. Ok fine.

He came to me. He has something in his hands. Ik he is behind my body but I'll not let her touch me. He came to me and handed me a box. I open without any interest. It's a chain. I look at him and he said

Shaurya: it's my mom's. She wanted to give this to her daughter in law herself. But she is no more.

He said sadly. I look at chain. That was beautiful. It's silver chain with beautiful design. Idk no why but i took it and tie it around my neck. He look at my neck and said .

Shaurya: it's looking more beautiful on you.

He said but i ignore him and laid on bed. Ik he is behind my body. but I'll never let him touch it.

But to my shock went to couch before saying that.

Shaurya: ruhani. Ik what you're thinking but i promise. I'll never force myself on you. I'll touch you when you yourself say me to touch you with full of love and care.

It's shock me. But i ignored him and sleep.

Other side
Janvi is also satting like meera on bed. Waiting for mihir. She is mot nervous nor excited. After sometime later mihir came there. He look at his bride and smiled. He went to and remove vail from her face. She look at him. He also did same. They stare at eachother some good moment. Then he kissed her forehead and said.

Mihir: go and change you are tired.

Janvi shyly get up but slip because of her heavy lahenga. Before she touch floor two strong arm caged her. She open her eyes and look at mihir who is very close to her. After that she run to bathroom shyly. Mihir chuckle at her shy behaviour.

Sometime later janvi came out of bathroom. And went to bed. She lay down on bed. He was not there.she is look at painting in his room. When he came and hugged her.

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