( 3) wedding day.

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So today is wedding. It's destination wedding. everyone is busy in wedding brides are getting ready. Groom are in the mandap waiting for them.

In ruhani's room
Here beautician did her make up and went from there. She is scared of something. When she heard noise from her window. Before she can went to window. A man jump in and look at her. Sawing him she got abraid and said.

Ruhani: shuo--rya.

Shourya: what did you think after marring any other men you will run away from me. No baby no. Today you will do wedding but with me. Your one and only groom. Shourya kapoor. No never. Now you will be my wife. You are looking beautiful biwi..

Saying that he came to her and hold her wrist

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Saying that he came to her and hold her wrist.

Ruhani: please leave....me.. i don't want to live with you....


Hearing her. Anger took over him. And he slapped her hard. That she fell down on floor.he look and bent down to her level. And said.

Shaurya: sorry I don't want to hurt you. please ruhani don't say like this.

He said and this time he use chloroform. Smelling chloroform she paas out. He take her in bridel styles and went from there without anyone's knowing...

Other side
Here janvi is in her when sabira came to her And said.sab

Sabira:wow. You are looking beautiful like a queen. Janvi..🥰

Janvi is wearing a red lahenga with jewelry

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Janvi is wearing a red lahenga with jewelry. Vail on her head with make up. Hands have dozen of bangles. And the most important a beautiful smiles on her face.

Janvi:you are also looking very beautiful. This green lahenga suit you very much.

Sabira : ik aunt called you

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Sabira : ik aunt called you. Jiju is waiting for you. He is looking very handsome just like prince.

Then they both went to mandap. Janvi sat beside mihir and Meera sat beside ranveer. Everyone is waiting for ruhani when priest said.

Priest: I will start the wedding now after you both's wedding. I will start third wedding.

Saying that he started the rituals. Abhinav is waiting for ruhani but by every second his anger was increasing. He stand up and went to her room without caring about other.

In ruhani's room
Ruhi and Shrijal came to take ruhi but she is nowhere to seen. Ruhi.became scared and went to vansh and Rohit. She told them everything. Everyone except ranveer because he don't know anything yet. Everyone Started to search ruhani but she is no where. Everyone is in ruhani's room. Ruhi was crying and Shrijal was assuring her. When abhinav came there he look at everyone and said.

Abhinav: where is ruhani.

But noone answer him so he yelled again.


Vikram: she ran away.

Hearing him abhinav got angering and started to break things. When his eyes fall on sabira who is crying silently. He went to her and hold her. Making her more scared everyone look at them and krish hold his hand.


Abhinav took out his gun from his pocket and put at her head and said.

Abhinav: if anyone try to stop me. I will stop her breath..

Rohit: no one will do anything to you please leave her abhinav.

Abhinav: no now she will be my wife.

Hearing him Krish shout.

Krish: don't you dare to look at her.

Abhinav: : don't you dare to came between us. Or else don't even hesitate to kill everyone.

He said with the same authority and anger. Everyone loves sabira so noone dare to say anything. Abhinav made her sit beside him in mandap. Priest did rituals. And wedding started. He put vermilion on her hairline. Then tie neptual chain around her neck.

Finally three couples got married. when ranveer saw sabira instead of ruhani he went to her and said.

Ranveer: sabira what are you doing here baby and where is ruhani.

He said to her. Who is crying silently.
When Abhinav said.

Abhinav: she. ran. away...

Ranveer: sabira baby but---

Abhinav: now she is my wife. And we are getting let for bidaai. So let's go wifey.

He said and hold her hand dragging her from there. Thay sit in car and left from there.

Other side
Here shaurya took ruhani to a temple. She is unconscious. His best friend Karan was there who already. Planned everything for their wedding.
Shaurya sit on mandap and made ruhani sit beside her. The priest started rituals and wedding beggin. After sometime ruhani got conscious and look at shaurya.

Ruhani: leave me. I don't want to marry you. Leave me.

Shaurya: no wifey.

Priest: now do the feras.

Hearing him. Shaurya took ruhani in bridal style and started to do feras when ruhani said with every fera.

Ruhani: I promise to make your life hell.

Ruhani: I promise to you that I will make you regret for everything you did with me.

Ruhani:I will snatch your everything.

Ruhani: I will hate you till my last breath.

Ruhani: I will never let you touch me.

Ruhani: I will make your problems increase every second.

Ruhani: I'll never accept you as my husband.

Hearing her got anger but control his anger as he know he deed wrong but he is crazy for her. That he can burn the whole world.

After wedding they went to his mansion. She didn't talk to him.

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