(11) guilt and pain.

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It's been two hours. Sabira is still unconscious.

Shaurya's POV.
Here sabira faint and unconscious from last two hours. Mr oberoi is looking very worried for her. He should be as he is her husband. I want to talk with ruhani. I don't know but there is something that I don't know. I took ruhani to OUR room. She look at angrily and said.

Ruhani: don't you dare to touch me...

Shaurya: who is mr oberoi to you. Tell me clearly.

I said Little coldly to her.

Ruhani: the one who i was about to marry.

What.. abhinav was her fiance. How but he is sabira's husband. Then how can??

Shaurya: but he is sabira's husband? Don't he.

Ruhani: i don't know.

Shaurya : ok then let's ask him.

I drag ruhani to our guest room. There abhinav is sitting beside her. I look at her worriedly. When i said her sister i mean it. Ruhani went to him and said.

Ruhani: how did you got married to her?

But he ignored her. Ruhani again asked he did same.

Ruhani: abhinav--

Abhinav: don't you understand if I'm answering you it means i don't want to talk to you.

He said Coldly to her.

Ruhani: but I want to know. She is my sister.

He look at her dangerously. And said sarcastically.

Abhinav: ohh right. Sister who run away from her own wedding.

Ruhani: why are you dragging that matter now.

Abhinav: you said you went to know. Don't you. So listen. When you ran away that time I marry her. Anything else..

He said her sternly. Ruhani look ate angrily and then look down feeling guilty.

Oh God what I did. To get my her. I ruined someone's life. I did wrong to sabira without knowing her. I was busy in my thoughts when sabira open her eyes.
Shaurya's POV end.

Sabira: abhi__abhinav.

Abhinav: yes sabira I'm here. See I'm here.

Saying that he hugged her. She hug him back and said.

Sabira: you are not going right. Say naa please. 🥺

Abhinav: no sabira I will never leave you. Even if I have to die I'll not leave you princess.

Ruhani: I'm sorry...

Sabira: why.... Di...

Ruhani: I'm sorry just because of me. I ruined everything. I hurted everyone.

Sabira: no. di you didn't hurt anyone. You know abhinav ji is very nice guy. He even give me chocolate that gift.

Hearing her ruhani look down and said to abhinav.

Ruhani: I'm sorry abhinav I hurted you. Raning away from wedding. Please forgive.

Abhinav: you are nothing to me now. You are just her sister.

He said and take sabira from there. Shaurya went to leave them. Ruhani started to cry thinking all this happen because of her. If he didn't kidnapped her then sabira will be not married. She will be free. She locked herself.
Shaurya called her lots of time but she didn't replied. She cried for hours.

Next day
At khurana house.
So today mihir's dadi came there. She is really very strict and greedy women. She was taunting janvi for everything she do. She didn't leave any chance to hurt her. Like right now. Janvi was cleaning vase. Dadi went to her and said.

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