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After meeting.

Abhinav: your collection is superb mr kapoor.

Shaurya: yeah i like to be your business partner mr abhinav.
So today at 7pm there is a party. Came there and forget your wifey.

Abhinav: yeah why not let's have lunch together.

Shaurya: yeah my pleasure.

Then they went to abhinav's cabin. Sabira was playing game on his. He give her phone yet that's why. When they came sabira look at them and said.

Sabira; finally you came, let's have lunch.

Abhinav: why didn't you yet.

Sabira: I'm waiting for you.

She said and he sign. Knowing her behaviour. They went to table and PA Set there lunch.

Sabira: hello mr nice guy...

Shaurya: shaurya. You can call me.

He said and she look at him and said.

Sabira: your elder then me.than you how can i disrespect you.

Hearing her shaurya chuckle and said.

Shaurya: ok miss. Call me whatever you like.

Sabira: have about mr...No.. bhai yeah it's better. So can i call you. Bhai.

She said with a wide smile. Hearing her shaurya look at and said.

Shaurya: yeah. Mr oberoi your lucky to have her. She is really kind.

Abhinav: yeah. (To sabira) Sabira there is a party at his house will you came.

Sabira: really. I will. Ahh I'm very excited 😊.

She said and they chuckle at her cute behaviour. Then they eat their food while talking... Actually sabira is talking they both are just listening.

At night.
In oberoi house.
Here sabira is getting. She is really excited and talking about shaurya. Abhinav feels jealous. But other hand happy too. Because she think shaurya as her brother.

Abhinav's POV.

She look at herself then turn to him and said.

Sabira: hubby how I'm looking.

Sabira: hubby how I'm looking

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Wow. So cute and gorgeous. Like you made for me. Only me. I want you sabira. But why you are so innocent. Whenever I try to touch you. You pushed me. I know you're just too much innocent baby.

Abhinav: cute as always. Gorgeous as now.

Sabira: really you are also looking so handsome.

Abhinav: thanks let's go now

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Abhinav: thanks let's go now.

Yeah or else i will be not able to control myself......🌚

Then we went to mr Kapoor house for lunch. I ring the bell and mr Kapoor opened with a wide smile. Sabira hugged him.... Why... I hate this... I look at them and cough to take there attention.

Shaurya: don't be jealous mr possessive husband. She is my sister. I can hug her.

Abhinav: don't you think you are getting to close..

Shaurya: yes that's why I'm saying that she is my sister...😉

He said and wink at me. Ahh this men. Then we went inside the house. There a lady is sitting back facing us. We sat on table and look the lady. She is no other then ruhani. But now she is nothing to me. Sabira run to her and hugged her.

Sabira: di where were you. And what is you doing here.

Shaurya: she is my wife sabira. Do you know her.

Sabira: yeah bhai she is my sister ruhani di...

Ruhani also hugged her and started to cry..

Sabira: why did you ran away from your wedding di.. why..

Now sabira is also crying. I look at ruhani then hug sabira... I don't like when she cry...

Ruhani: abhinav...

She said while she is scared looking at me. I know it. But now i don't care.

Shaurya: who are you to ruhani. Mr oberoi.

He asked me coldly.

Abhinav: no one.

Sabira: why di.... Di..

She said and here she faint.

Shaurya: let's go to room.

Then i took sabira to their guest room.

Abhinav's POV end.

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