(12)without you

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Next day.
At singhania house.
Here ishika and shrishti was to eachother when mistaken ishika's hand hit on a vase. Srishti look at then at vase. Then she immediately cleaned that vase and took ishika to her room.

Shrishti: ohh god ishika what you did. It was badi mummy's favourite vase.

Hearing her ishika got scared. She know if Sejal got to know then she will not leave her.

Shrishti: listen. Don't tell this to anyone. Ok and afterwards i will see.

Ishika: if she get to know then she will punish me.

Shrishti: yes but don't worry. I'm here. I will say that vase mistakenly break.

Ishika: ok

Shrishti: till dinner don't come out. If anyone ask then say. You're busy in your college project.

Then they again started their talk.

At kapoor house
Here ruhani was not talking to anyone nor eating or drinking anything. She was just sitting on bed like a dead body.  Shaurya came there and said.

Shaurya: please ruhani atleast eat or drink something. Harm yourself.

He said to jer softly. Ruhani didn't said anything. Just staring at ceiling.

Ruhani: everything would  be good if you didn't came on my life. I was married to abhinav. sabira wuold ne free. My family would love me. But now everything ruined. They hate me. sabira was force to marry him. And me. I'm here stock with you.

Now tear are fellowing from her eyes. She was just sitting there numb no imotion.. no feeling...
Shaurya was feeling guilty for what he did. But he can't leave without her.

Shaurya: im sorry. but i can't leave without you. Ruhani.

He said and hold her hand.

Ruhani: and i can't leave with you. Why don't you understand.

She said while jerking his hand. She hugged herself and started to cry. Sawing her crying it's hurting him. He went to karan.

At karan house
Here shaurya came to him. Karan was doing some work when he came. Karan went to and said.

Karan: what happened you're here.

He said. Shaurya hugged him. And said while crying for the first time.

Shaurya: karan. she want to leave me. She said "she can't leave with me. Karan she leave me. I don't want to leave her karan. I'll die if she leave me. But i can't cage her. I want her to leave with me. With all her happiness. I want her to be happy when I'm with her. I don't know what to do. She is not eating.. nor drinking anything. Just sitting like..... Dead person....
I'm the who..... made her....like this.

He was crying badly. Just a thought of leaving her was killing him. Karan give him water and he drank it.

Karan: then send her back.

Shaurya: NoO. She will never came back. And you know I can't leave. Please do something. Karan.

Karan: so send her to her sister. Let her talk to them. let her meet to them. If her sister will forgive her then maybe she will be happy. After sometime meet with her parents.

Shaurya: what if they will not forgive then. It's all my mistake and you is taking punishment. I'm the who kidnapped her. Forcefully married her. Caged her in my house.

Karan: you did wrong choose is your. Let her meet her sister or cage her her all life. But don't forget my word. She will be never happy with you. Even you will have family with her. She will hate you to her core.

Karan said and look at shaurya to say something. Shaurya didn't said anything. After sometime later shaurya went from.

At kapoor house.
Shaurya came here. And went to their room. She was sitting like that. Shaurya went to cupboard and packed her things. Then he called someone.and went to ruhani..

Shaurya: ruhani get ready we are going to sabira's house.

Hearing him. She look at him and said.

Ruhani: really you are taking me there.

She said with happiness to meet her sister.

Shaurya: yeah you will stay there for a week. Then we will go to a trip with your brothers and sisters.

Ruhani: really they forgive me. They want to meet me. Say naa shaurya. Please say they went to meet me.

Shaurya: yes i talk to janvi and krish to they said yes. They went to meet you... Ruhani promise me you will not leave me..... ruhani...

Words:- 736.
Target:- 5 votes.

Please 🥺.please 🥺. Yaar Rona aa raha hai.😭😭😭

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