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At night.
At singhania house.
It's 11pm. Ishika was in her. She came out her to take some fresh air when she saw krish going somewhere. He look at her and said.

Krish: what are you doing here.

Ishika: nothing just feeling bore. And where are you going??.

Krish: club. Wanna join me..

Ishika: club... Umm... If di got to know then she will scold me.

Krish: let's come. No one will know.

Ishika: but....

He look at her and said.

Krish: this cloth will not work. Don't worry. I will buy you new.

Ishika: why. You want me to go there.

Krish: ok fine than. As you don't want to come then i can take my bestie.

Ishika: bestie??

Krish: yes there is lots of my friends.... And i want you to introduce them.

Ishika: but--

Krish: you ask so many questions let's go.

He drag to his car. And then made her side in car. He first take ishika to mall and bought her a party wear dress. Then they want to club.

At club.
Krish took ishika to his friend. Krish was talking to his friend. Ishika is sitting beside him silently. one of his said.

Sahil: hey beautiful what's your name.

He said her seducing. Ishika look down feeling uncomfortable. It's her first time that she came to club. That men sat beside her.

Ishika: ishika. Ishika sharma.

Sahil: oh.

He look at her thighs. And started to touch there. Ishika pushed his hand. But he again started to touch her thighs. Ishika look at krish who is busy in talking and drinking.

Sahil: hey beautiful drink something. You didn't drank anything yet.

Ishika: no. I don't want.

Rian: don't show attitude just drink it. Babygirl..

Ishika: please I really don't want.

Krish: just one. Drink it.

Sahil take wine in his hand and started to drank ishika forcefully. Ishika tried to push his hand. But she failed. He make her drink a whole bottle of wine. Her head Started to spin. She look here and there. Krish was sitting beside her. He didn't stop his friends. Ishika look at him and say on his lap.

Krish: what are you doing.?

Ishika: looking_at_...

She was very drank that her words was not caming out.

Krish: get up before I do something.

Ishika: what will you to? kiss me, slape, or fuck me.

Hearing her they are shocked. But sahil want to take advantage of this moment. So he said.

Sahil: krish she is drank. It's best option to take revenge from her.

Krish: what you mean.

Sahil: you can do ANYTHING with her.

He said anything words loudly.

Krish: no way.

Sahil: you have to break her ego. Men she is doing too much. Your family take her. Evan it would be her fault. Your family scold you. Because of her. If you didn't control her then she will make your life hell definitely...

He hatred is increasing by sahil's words. he look at ishika who is playing with his suit's button. He think about sahil's words then look at her. He make his mind that he never let her win. unaware that she loves him.

Krish smirk at her then take her to VIP area. Ishika was sitting on bed. He started to open his clothes while walking toward her. Ishika look at him and said.

Ishika: what are you doing??  Krish...

He ignored his words and started to kiss her. She kissed him back. He  open her clothes fully and look at her.

Krish: beautiful. Before you control my life. I'll ruin your life miss ishika sharma.

Saying that he pushed her on bed. He started to kiss her lips then neck, collarbone. He look at her then he remove his clothes and hover over her.

He position himself near her entrance. He pushe his dick and thrust her hard.

Ishika: ahhh__krish__its hurting.

She was cry. The pain was too much to handle. Soon she fainted but he didn't stop.

Next day.
They both were sleeping naked. Soon ishika wake up feeling pain on her entrance. She look at him. He was sleeping hugging her. They both was naked. Tears build in her eye herself like this. She get scared and started to shack him. He wake up annoying.

Krish: what.

IShika: k-r-ish__kr-i-sh.

He look at her. She is naked and crying badly.

Krish: why are you crying...

Ishika: it's__p_a-in-ing...

Krish: so.

Ishika: s-o. Wh-at yo-u me-an by so.

She said looking at him.

Krish: it's your fault. If it's paining that much then why you did it.

Ishika: i_i wa-s.

Krish: stop your drama and wear your clothes. Just five minutes. Or else I will left you here only.

Ishika: no... Ple-a-s-e. Don't live me here.

Krish: fast. Wear your clothes. I will count till five. After that I will leave from her.

Hearing him. Ishika started to wear her clothes fast.

Krish: times off.

He look at her. She look down not able to look in his eye.

Then they went to house.  They from back door. Ishika went to her room and take a both. She change her clothes.


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