Chapter 1 || NEW CLAN

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For a long time now, I haven't believed in scary stories. Zombies, monsters under the bed, ghosts, and all that kind of stuff. My dad used to tell me scary stories before bed a lot. Unlike other kids, I loved those kinds of stories and never got tired of them. Now, those horror stories have become a way of life for everyone left who isn't dead or turned into monsters. I've been living in the middle of this disaster for twenty years now, survival has become my specialty.

A few years ago, I got bitten by one of those monsters they call runners. I was with my dad that day. I begged him to shoot me and get it over with, but he couldn't pull the trigger. Thankfully, he didn't, or we would have never discovered that I was immune to the virus. Since that day, I've kept my hair down to hide the scar. If anyone finds out I was bitten, they won't feel as guilty and regretful as my dad. It's tough carrying this secret alone without being able to talk to anyone about it.

- Lilianna!

I turn to the voice calling me and spot my father signaling for me to join him. I take one last look at the beautiful view, then close my eyes, taking in a deep breath of the summer breeze. The mountains and the setting sun always give me chills. We don't always get to experience moments like these.

- Come on, Lili, I think we're approaching Jackson.
- Yeah, coming.

I open my eyes and grab my shotgun.

- Farewell, beautiful view.

I join my father, and we descend the mountain toward a river that will lead us to Jackson. I'm so exhausted from this journey. I hope with all my heart they won't reject us.

- Dad?
- Yes? He keeps walking.
- Do you think they'll find out we're from another clan?
- Don't worry about that, Lili. Everything will be fine.

I look at my confident father, but I don't feel the same at all. We're two strangers entering a town probably crowded with guards just waiting to shoot strangers.

- How do you know about Jackson? I mean, how do you know there are people there?
- I know someone.
- And you couldn't have told me that before I came up with a bunch of scenarios about our death?

He laughs and keeps walking, eventually spotting the river that will take us to the makeshift town. After about fifteen minutes of walking, we come across a large wooden wall enclosing the entire town.

- Wow, do you think we'll get through this?
- I told you we'll get through, Lilianna. I know someone there.
- Okay, but does this someone want to see you?

Complete silence. He's serious.

- Dad! You can't be serious!
- We'll see, now, just hush and move along.
- Ugh.

We get within a few meters of the wooden barriers, and guards immediately point their guns in our direction.

- Do what he says, Lili.

Fear creeps onto my face, and I slowly place my weapons in front of me.

- IDENTIFY YOURSELVES! The second guard shouts.
- Um... I'm Chris, and this is my daughter Lilianna. We're not enemies. I'm an old friend of Tommy's.

The two guards look at each other intrigued by my father's words and slowly lower their weapons.

- Don't move.

I watch my father nervously, worried about the situation and them finding out where we're from. The large gates open, and a man with long brown hair steps out in front of us.

- What are you doing here, Chris?

He doesn't seem too happy to see us. He looks at my father, then shifts his gaze to me, and I'm petrified. Did he saw my bite?

- We need help, Tommy. We have nowhere...
- I already offered you help, Chris, and where did you go? Join the...
- I know what I did, Tommy! My father snaps slightly angry.
- Please, I say with a slightly scared expression.

Tommy looks around and then turns back to the gate of Jackson.

- So, you're coming.

The air I was holding in finally escapes, and I breathe naturally.

- Damn, that was close.

My father smiles at me, and we enter Jackson like strangers come down to earth. I look around, feeling like everything is much livelier than outside. People seem happy. It feels like we're no longer in the midst of a pandemic.

- We don't have many houses left, but I can offer each of you a house, Tommy replies without turning to us. Children are running around everywhere, which makes me smile. I don't know what Jackson has in store for us, but I think a lot of things are going to change.

- Welcome to Jackson.

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