Chapter 3.2 || THE SOURCE

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Ellie's Point of View

"Find Lilianna as quickly as possible," orders the burly man, gripping his AK-47 tightly.

I crouch behind the stairs, my switchblade knife firmly held in my trembling hand. I anxiously wait for them to disperse, my heart pounding as I desperately try to ignore the heartbreaking screams of the innocent echoing around me. Damn...

"Lilianna... shit," I mutter with a fearful expression.

My heart races as I recall the words of those men. They want Lilianna. Why? Fear and confusion overwhelm me. I hastily leave my hiding place, running in the opposite direction, determined to find Lilianna before they do. The mere thought of losing her sends a chilling terror through me. My thoughts race, and rage threatens to consume me. Suddenly, I stop dead in my tracks as I spot WLF members prowling nearby. I become as stealthy as a shadow, creeping towards the armed man. In a matter of seconds, I take his life with my knife, the silence falling heavily around me.

"Die, motherfucker."

I let him fall heavily to the ground without a backward glance and quickly move to catch the second one. Suddenly, a firm hand grips my shoulder, making me jump. Instinctively, I swing my knife behind me with lightning speed, determined to wound this person. However, they pull back just in time, narrowly avoiding the gleaming blade. My heart races, each moment stretching into eternity as I prepare to face this new threat.

"It's me, Ellie," Tommy says, his revolver in hand.
"Where's Lilianna?"
"With Joel." He pauses, then continues. "Chris is dead."

My face crumples upon hearing this news, and anger overtakes me.

"What's going on?"
"Lilianna is in danger. The WLF came for her."
"Yeah, but why?"
"They want to make a cure."
"A cure?"

For a moment, I had forgotten she was immune. My eyes widen as I start to imagine the worst possible scenarios. Panic shoots through me like an arrow, and my breathing becomes erratic.

"Where is she?"
"Follow me. They've already left, but we'll track them closely."

We move stealthily behind houses to avoid attracting attention. My thoughts torment me more and more at the idea of losing Lilianna. I could do the unthinkable if I were to lose her. Arriving at Chris's house, we rush to the backyard and see Chris's lifeless body. I pause for a moment to scrutinize his inert form, fighting to hold back tears. I look around but see no sign of Lilianna, and Joel's body lies on the ground.


I crouch beside him, shaking his body.

"Damn it, Joel, wake up. Where is Lilianna? Fuck, JOEL!"

I shake him more forcefully until Tommy tells me to stop.

"No! He... he has to tell me where Lilianna is."

Overwhelmed with emotion, I collapse onto Joel's chest. Tommy checks his pulse, still present, and scans the surroundings. I suddenly stand up, anger rising from head to toe, and push Tommy.

"Safe, huh!" I shout, pushing him. I'm so furious and scared that I don't realize my own strength. I keep pushing him until he grabs my arms to steady me.

"We'll find her, Ellie."

He hugs me, but I scan the horizon, hoping to see any clue.

"I'll kill them the last one."


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