Chapter 2 || SKI STATION

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My eyelids instinctively open to the shrill sound of the alarm, ruthlessly disrupting the morning silence. I groan as I hit the alarm clock, releasing a lazy sigh. Sleep eluded me until three in the morning last night, my thoughts betraying me relentlessly. Ellie occupied my mind throughout the evening. Today, I prepare to face my first patrol, exhausted but determined.

I place my feet on the cold floor and make my way to the bathroom.

- What possessed me to stay up so late? I whisper to myself. My palms caress my face, trying to awaken my sleepy senses. Two energetic slaps on my cheeks, followed by a vigorous shake of my head, in hopes of keeping my eyes wide open.

Silent curses erupt in my head, irritation growing as my thoughts persistently gravitate around Ellie. Her mental presence feels like an unwelcome, persistent guest. I hurriedly complete my morning routine, making my way quickly to the patrol stand to start my day. Jesse's advice echoes in my head, reminding me to promptly check the assignment board.

Suddenly, my steps freeze at the end of the alley, where my father and Tommy emerge into view. A quick glance at my watch: thirty precious minutes before the start of the first patrol. Slipping behind a wall, I freeze, listening discreetly.

- I'm not asking for much, Tommy.
- Not much! I've helped you in the past, and now you come back and put Jackson in danger.

As I discreetly observe, I notice the presence of another man. Joel, the guy from the bar. Do they know each other?

- What do you want us to do? We can't ask all of Jackson to protect you two. There are children and families, Chris, Tommy retorts, a bit annoyed.
- I'm not asking Jackson to protect us, but one of you to protect her.

Is he talking about me?

- Count on me, Joel says.

I withdraw quietly before continuing my walk towards the main gates. Teams are already organizing, armed and horses ready, giving this day a promising air despite my delay. In the distance, Dina, Jesse, and Ellie are engaged in conversation, their fatigue apparent. Ready to head to the board to find out my partner, Dina calls out to me.

- Lilianna! You can just grab some weapons and join us.

I nod in agreement before slipping away to grab some ammo, sliding a revolver onto my belt and a rifle over my shoulder. Upon my return, Jesse is already teasingly bantering, creating a light atmosphere between us.

- Look Ellie, you and Lilianna could make a pair, you both can't seem to wake up on time.
- Very funny, Jesse, Ellie retorts, rolling her eyes.

I chuckle, then glance at Dina.

- We checked the board, and I'm with Jesse, and you, Ellie.

Seriously! My eyes widen slightly, my mouth refusing to utter a word. Jesse's smug smile hangs in the air, accentuating my already palpable discomfort.

- Why are you smiling? Dina says, giving him a playful tap on the shoulder.
- Nothing.

I try to avoid Ellie's gaze, but my body seems irresistibly drawn. To my surprise, I find that she's already watching me.

- It's okay, I'm not going to bite you, she says in a monotone voice.
- Be nice, Ellie.
- But I am nice, Ellie murmurs, kissing Dina on the mouth.

I look away, trying to calm the frantic beating of my heart. Why did I have to be paired with the girl who has been haunting my thoughts since yesterday? Fate seems against me. Dina and Jesse move away, leaving me alone face to face with her.

- I hope you know how to handle all this.
- Yes, it's not the first time.

I can see she's eyeing my tattoos, which gives me a few little shivers down my spine.

- Come on, you'll ride with me on Shimmer.
- Shimmer?
- My horse.

I follow her closely, taking the opportunity to discreetly observe her. She exudes an undeniably attractive aura. Gracefully, she climbs onto her horse, then offers me her hand. The simple contact with her meticulously detailed hand sends shivers down my skin. I board Shimmer with her, and she signals to move slowly.

- Are they going to assign you a horse?
- I have one. I just need to know how to ride first.
- You'll take Shimmer on your way back, I'll show you.

These words, spoken in a deep, monotone voice, captivate my attention. Does her voice always hold that enchanting depth? A question that swirls in my head, for it's undeniable that this tone of voice is literally seductive.

- Hold on.

She slowly raises her arms for me to wrap mine around her waist, and I comply without hesitation. She looks at Dina and whispers a soft "I love you" before signaling Shimmer to move forward.

After a few minutes of riding, we reach the ski lodge, and I don't hide my relief as I dismount the horse. My butt clearly felt the bumps of the road.

- Damn, that feels good...

I stretch out for a long moment, then make sure I have all my weapons.

- Can you tie up Shimmer?
- Sure.

I do so, then join Ellie, who is now near the lodge's large windows, observing the surroundings with binoculars.

- Here, take a look.

Since my assignment with her this morning, I find her much more talkative. I would have thought I'd be the one making conversation without much feedback.I grab the binoculars and observe.

- To your left, Jesse and Dina are over there. The river road. Do you see any infected down there?

I direct the binoculars towards the mini forest and don't see anything at the moment.

- Nothing.

I sense Ellie's slight distance as she sets her bag near a chair to settle in. My binoculars find their place on a table, and I join Ellie, who already seems comfortably seated on a chair. The peaceful atmosphere of the place contrasts with the inner tension that persists between us.

- So, how did you end up in Jackson? she asks, playing with her fingers.
- Uh.. I was lost with my father, and we were looking for a refuge to settle down permanently.
- Hmm...

Her gaze settles on me for a few seconds, which seem to stretch into eternity, before turning towards the entrance of the building. Taking advantage of this moment, I contemplate her in turn. The first rays of the rising sun caress her face, accentuating her already dazzling beauty. Her hair simply tied up in a quick low bun and her masculine side evoke an unusual warmth in me. When she delicately runs her tongue over her lower lip, it's the last straw that tips my balance. Rising suddenly, I stride purposefully towards the surroundings. Exploring the ski station proves to be a remedy to divert my thoughts from Ellie and soothe my impulses. I clear my throat, picking up a few pieces of cloth along the way that could prove useful in an emergency.

- I'll check this side for any infected.
- Okay.
- Oh, and one last thing, you should seriously tie your hair. You could get killed much more easily.

I'm a bit at a loss for what to say to her, but I just nod, giving her the green light to go off on her own. If only she knew why I leave my hair down.

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