Chapter 2.2 || BOND OF TRUST

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We smoothly reach Jackson, where Ellie drops us off near the stable to leave Shimmer there. We're so astonished by this revelation that I decide not to ride Shimmer back. We were lucky that Shimmer cross our path and was able to untied to run from the infected. Meanwhile, I return my weapons and the few remaining bullets, then leave the place, taking a deep breath. My thoughts are entirely consumed by Ellie's immunization. I notice Dina's arrival with Jesse, showing much greater joy than Ellie and I. I lean against the fence, playing with my fingers, while watching Ellie adopt the same posture. We exchange a quick glance before my eyes land on Dina, who approaches Ellie with determination.

- So, how was the patrol?
- Fine. Ellie simply replies.

Dina exchanges a tender kiss with Ellie, gently capturing her lips, and I avert my gaze to Jesse, who confidently takes a seat beside me. The moment is filled with a soft and intimate atmosphere, revealing the complicity between them.

- Go to a room.
- Yeah, yeah.

A chuckle escapes him as he directs his attention towards me.

- So, how did you find your first patrol?

Aggressive, revealing, intense, and many other shades. I never imagined it would take such a turn. The events unfolded unexpectedly, adding a newfound complexity to this experience.

- Fine, but we ran into a horde.
- A horde! And you think that's fine! He laughs.
- Did you warn Maria? Dina asks, surprised.
- No.
- I'll go inform her, Ellie, you coming? Dina asks, reaching out her hand to Ellie.

Ellie nods and heads towards Dina. I watch her depart gently, and she turns one last time to lock eyes with me before joining Dina at the same level. My gaze drops, and I clear my throat, adjusting my hair to conceal my scar. A thought crosses my mind: maybe I should cover it like Ellie. With a tattoo.

- What was that? Jesse asks, raising an eyebrow.
- What?
- That look...
- There's no "look."
- Yeah, sure.

He chuckles and lightly taps my shoulder. I watch him walk off to his side, then exhale the air I've been holding since the end of my patrol. Swear words echo in my head as I head to my father's place. I need to spend some time with him. With everything I now know about Ellie, I need a change of scenery and to clear my mind.

I arrive on the porch of my father's small house and knock, waiting for a response.

- Hi. He hugs me and lets me in.
- What are you doing here? Aren't you on patrol?
- Uh... I'm actually just back.
- Oh... how did it go?
- Fine, fine... I sigh and slump onto the couch.

He joins me, and I rest my head against his shoulder. I had intended to watch a movie, but I just feel like staying by his side. The only sound in the place is the sound of our breathing, and I close my eyes, thinking about Ellie. I can't think of anything else. My feelings for her have become more and more prominent. I want to talk to my father about it, but I don't know what he'll think. Will he want us to leave? Will he understand? Just the thought of having to leave Jackson and Ellie makes me furrow my brows slightly.

- Tell me, where did you put your old stuff? He asks.
- I kept them in my bag under my bed.

He nods, then clears his throat, still staring at the blank TV.

- Dad, do you think we should burn them?
- It would be hard to burn something here without attracting attention.
- Fair enough.
- Keep them safe, alright?

I nod, then he gently kisses my head before we eventually fall asleep on the couch.

[Time Skip]

After having a peaceful breakfast with my father, I head back home to take a good shower and change clothes. I have another patrol in a few hours, and I really need some quiet rest.

I flop onto the couch, one arm over my head, and let out a long sigh before closing my eyes. My hand reaches my neck and touches my scar gently. I think back to the moment it appeared on my body, and my eyebrows furrow. Suddenly, someone knocks on my door.

Who could it be? I sigh and get up to answer.

- Just two minutes of peace, that's all I...

I fall silent immediately when I see who's knocking, Ellie. She's leaning against the railing and looks at me as I open the door.

- Ellie?
- Hey...
- Hey... what are you doing here?
- Uh... we have a patrol later, but I wanted to come see you before.
- Oh... okay. Do you want to come in?

She nods gently and enters, scanning the surroundings slightly. She clears her throat and sits on the couch. Unintentionally, I scrutinize her and observe her outfit. She's still wearing her gray hoodie and a pair of dark blue jeans. However, her hair is different. It's not tied up. When she meets my gaze with her greenish eyes, I quickly look away and nervously play with my hands. I sit beside her on the couch, keeping a respectable distance between us, and wait for her first words. Ellie also fidgets with her fingers and stares at my blank TV.

- How did you know where I live?
- I... asked Tommy. I thought maybe he knew.

I nod, then look out the window.

- Uh... listen, since I found out about your immunization I...

She takes a deep breath and continues.

- I couldn't sleep all night. I just keep thinking about it and how you got that bite.

Her eyes pierce my soul every time she looks at me. I try to stay focused, but my mind often gets lost in the details of her face.

- Me too. I can't stop thinking about you.

She furrows her eyebrows slightly and analyzes the words I just said.

- Well, I mean, not about you, but the fact that you're... immune.

I sigh and try hard not to turn red. I wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans with embarrassment.

- Tell me about it, she says.
- How I got my bite?
- Yes.

We stare at each other straight in the eyes for a moment before she breaks the contact by looking at her legs. I can trust her.

Can I?

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