Chapter 2.4 || PROPENSITY

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-We ended up falling asleep, and when we woke up, nothing had changed.

I nervously toy with the delicate stitches of my sweater, my fingers sliding along the seams as my mind whirls in a sea of pent-up emotions. Staring into space, I pay no heed to her scrutinizing gaze. Strangely, I feel liberated, as if just knowing she's aware has lifted a burden I've carried for too long. The weight on my shoulders dissipates into the air, giving way to a lightness I haven't felt in years.

When our eyes finally meet, it's as if time itself slows down, suspended in the space between us. Her gaze, deep and tender, captures me, holding me captive in its invisible embrace. In her eyes, I read a silent understanding, an echo of the connection we share. And despite the pain of knowing she is tied to Dina, I can't help but drown in the green of her eyes, losing myself in the silent promise of what could be, if only circumstances were different.

I become aware of our surroundings as I look at Ellie, realizing that our bodies have strangely drawn closer, leaving a narrow yet respectful space between us. Our gazes remain locked onto each other, as she lightly bites her lower lip, a probable sign of nervousness, before averting her eyes. It's at this moment that I realize with brutal clarity that I have fallen in love with her, in a way both terrible and deliberate. And now, I am distraught, unsure how to act upon this revelation. The awareness of our shared bond only adds to the difficult attachment to conceal, making every interaction charged with unbearable tension. How can I fall so fast to someone ? Is it right ?

To ease the growing tension and discomfort between us, I decide to speak first.

-And you? How did it happen?

I detect a growing tension in her, indicating pain associated with the topic. Her brows furrow as she intensely stares at the ground, her elbows tight against her legs. A heavy sigh escapes her chest, and she wearily runs her hand across her face, perhaps seeking momentary solace.

It's... um... it happened when I was 14 years old.

As soon as she utters her first words, I feel a profound sense of relief, grateful that she has finally let down her guard in my presence. From the moment my eyes first landed on Ellie, I immediately sensed the density of the shell she had erected around herself, a barrier difficult to breach. Her heavy past seems to weigh heavily on her shoulders, but the surge of trust she grants me is a source of deep comfort. If the circumstances were different, I don't think she'll ever talk to me about all of this.

-I was with a friend, and we decided to venture into an abandoned shopping mall. We didn't think there would be infected, but we were wrong.

She lets herself go, leaning her back against the couch, releasing a sigh that seems to unload the same burden that weighed on my shoulders. Her fingers nervously intertwine, yet she still maintains her serious expression, as if she didn't want to let all the emotions rushing through her show.

-She...transform, and... I didn't ,she says.
-Damn, I mutter to myself.

In a sudden and irresistible impulse, I gently place my hand on hers, capturing her gaze with compassion. Her eyes once again probe mine, while I notice her gaze darting back and forth between my lips and my eyes. My heart races, pulsating to the frantic rhythm of attraction, while my gaze explores every line, every nuance of her enchanting face that has captivated me since our first meeting. A mysterious, invisible yet undeniable force seems to pull us towards each other, erasing the thin space between us. Yet, despite the whirlwind of emotions engulfing me, I remain aware that taking the leap would be a mark of disrespect towards her existing relationship. I bravely fight against my impulses, but her presence only increases the flames of desire burning within me. Only the soft synchronized whisper of our heaving breaths breaks the silence of the room, testifying to the intensity of our budding connection.

Her movements draw closer, almost irresistible, as if she were enchanted by an invisible force. Her captivating gaze remains fixed on my lips, while mine get lost in her sparkling green eyes. The warm, caressing breath of her respiration gently brushes against my face, creating an electrifying sensation. The space between us diminishes to almost nothing, to the point where our lips barely brush against each other, like a gentle invitation to temptation.

My eyes widen as I realize something.

-The patrol... I say, surprised.

Ellie slowly pulls back, then clears her throat, suddenly realizing the magnitude of her actions. She nervously wipes her sweaty palms on her jeans before hastily getting up from the couch.

-Damn, she mutters.

I rise as well, grabbing my jacket and backpack, trying to convince myself that I wasn't about to kiss Ellie.

-Hurry up, damn it, she said in a urgently.
-Yeah, yeah.

We rush outside and head towards the stable. Ellie retrieves Shimmer while I grab our weapons and ammo. Dina and Jesse watch us run to retrieve our gear, exchanging suspicious glances. Finally, we both find ourselves in front of the main gates, and Jesse can't help but make a comment.

-A latecomer can be excused, but if you start synchronizing your delays, well...
-Shut up, Ellie and I respond in unison.

A brief glance is exchanged but nothing more. Dina hugs and kisses Ellie, then retorts.

-You arrived... together?

I was about to speak, but Ellie beats me to it.

-No... uh, we ran into each other while we were running to get here.

I gaze at her, furrowing my brows in an attempt to understand her lie. Part of me grasps the situation, but the other remains perplexed as to why she didn't just say we were talking. Although... we were about to kiss.

I push those thoughts from my mind and prepare to mount Shimmer. Ellie points to the horse and says to me:

-Get on.
-I don't know how, I reply.
-I told you I would show you.

With a slight smile, I settle onto Shimmer's back. Ellie exchanges a tender kiss with Dina before joining the back, positioning herself beside me in comforting closeness.

-You can take the rope and position your feet on the stirrups properly.

With her slightly taller stature, her head is at the same level as mine, and she quickly guides me through the things to remember, just before Maria reminds us that we are already late. Ellie's arms gently embrace me, signaling me to leave without further delay.

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