Chapter 1.2 || JACKSON

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I abruptly open my eyes at the sound of gunshots. I quickly grab my pistol from under the pillow, venture outside in my pajamas, ignoring my appearance. No danger in sight.

- What the hell are those gunshots?

I notice curious looks, women look away, and men stare at me.

- Damn.

I dart back inside my home, then place my weapon on the small entry table. I slump onto my bed, feeling ashamed. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.

- Must be my dad, ready to point out my stupidity.

I open it, finding an unexpected silhouette – a girl.

- Hi, you must be Lilianna.

About my age, black hair in a bun, shorter, dazzling.

- Yes, that's me.
- I'm Dina, she smiles. Listen, you don't have to be stressed here. There's no danger here. Those are training shots outside. The morning patrol is getting ready.
- The morning patrol ?
- Yes, they eliminate possible infected around here.

I look ridiculous in tiny shorts clinging to my thighs and an oversized shirt. I feel embarrassed.

- Do you mind if I come in for a few minutes?

Despite my embarrassment, I still let her in, intrigued by her intentions.

- I'm sorry. I looking for pants to put on.

She seems comfortable seeing me in lightweight clothing. I prefer to cover up a bit.

- No problem, you must not be used to waking up to gunshots.
- Spot on.
- Would you like to join the patrol?
- Me? Why? You think I have what it takes?
- I don't know, it's up to you to show me.

This instant connection with her almost scares me. Simple, organized, friendly – just what I need.

- Meet me at the shooting range later. I have a patrol in ten minutes, but then I'm free. Show me what you can do.

I weigh her proposition, and I wouldn't mind a bit of action. I've never shied away from a challenge in my life. These damn infected must die.

- Okay.
- Awesome, I'll be with two people.
- No problem.

She leaves, and I close the door behind her, then tie my hair into a ponytail and brush my teeth.

I should go see my dad while Dina is on patrol. Since our arrival yesterday and the assignment of our apartment, I haven't asked him how he's doing. In my bag, I didn't bring all my clothes. I had a bunch of clothes in my old room, and now, I don't have much left. After much thought, I put on black cargo pants and an oversized beige sweater that I tuck slightly into my pants. I grab what I need and head out.

I don't know the area yet, but I should manage. Dogs bark, and little children scream as they head to the only school in the neighborhood. Life seems so different here. I feel like I'm not living in the same place anymore.

- Lilianna.

I turn around sharply and see my dad behind me, still with his neutral expression.

- Are you okay? Where are you going?
- To see you, to see how you're doing.
- I'm fine.
- Are you going somewhere?
- I need to talk to Tommy. He's often busy, and I need to sort things out with him.
- Oh..I almost forgot, a girl, Dina, came to see me this morning and..
- What did she want ?
- Stop being so suspicious. She talked to me about the patrol.
- No way.
- I just want..
- I said no, Lilianna. There's no way I'm risking losing my daughter again.
- Please..
- No!

His refusal is categorically firm. Some people turn to look at us. It's the second time now that I've attracted attention. I look at my dad, who is still angry, then decide to leave without speaking to him further. Why such a reaction? I can't bring myself to give up, even if he doesn't like it.

As I walk further into Jackson, a bar presents itself to me. I really need a pick-me-up. I enter, and the bar is quiet. Only a few people are there.

- Hi, I'll take a shot of Whiskey.
- Are you even old enough to drink?
- And are you not too old to still be in this bar serving me?

A simple smile appears on his face, and he prepares my drink. It's not my habit to talk to people like this, but I'm just... shaken up. I place my hand against my forehead and close my eyes to compose myself.

- What am I doing ?
- Tough morning ?

A man's voice comes from my left. My dad's age, gray hair and beard.

- Yeah..
- It'll be okay, don't worry.
- I hope so, and you?
- A pretty tough time.

I down my whiskey spontaneously and run a hand through my hair.

- I'm glad I met you..
- Joel.
- Lilianna.

I smile kindly at him, then leave the bar to meet Dina at the shooting range.

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