Chapter 2.5 || BODY AND SOUL

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-Damn, remember Jesse when you stumbled during patrol, you came back covered in mud.
-It's not my fault Ellie can't ride a damn horse properly.
-What? It's my fault now.

She says, smiling, taking a long drag of marijuana. My eyes are fixed on her, discreetly admiring her seductive way of smoking, while trying to listen to Jesse and Dina reminisce. Since Ellie and I almost kissed two weeks ago, we haven't really talked. I only see her because Dina has become a good friend, but otherwise... nothing more. She now occupies a large part of my thoughts, even though we act like enemies.


I turn my head to Ellie's voice as she hands me the joint. We take an extra moment to look at each other, but quickly break the moment by taking the joint and turning my attention to Dina.

-Want to watch a movie?
-Yeah, why not, I say.

I stand up, stretching my sore body from sitting for so long.

- Ellie, do you have any movies at your place?
-Yeah, not many. Joel has more.

Joel? The man who talked with my dad and Tommy. Do they know each other? I leave that question hanging and focus more on the conversation.

-Okay, Ellie go get a movie and I'll grab some snacks. You two...

Dina looks at Jesse and me and interrupts.

-Stay here. No cuddling, she says, chuckling as I widen my eyes.
-Uh.. not a chance Dina.
-Lilliana doesn't like people of my kind.

Jesse's eyes dart back and forth between Ellie and me, and I feel a growing discomfort. Why this remark? If only I could disappear into thin air. Ellie also seems uncomfortable, averting her gaze, waiting for Dina to finish putting on her shoes. I feel a growing desire to eradicate this awkward conversation.

-Uh.. okay, whatever, Dina says, not really noticing the looks Jesse is giving Ellie and me.

They eventually leave, and I hit Jesse on the shoulder.

- What? I don't even understand how Dina couldn't have noticed your intense exchanges.
- Is it that... obvious?
- Yes.

I slump heavily on the couch, letting my head rest on the cushion as my eyes stare at the ceiling. He sits next to me and I bite my lower lip, secretly despairing to one day forget Ellie.

-You two haven't...

My gaze meets his and he immediately understands my answer.

-Damn, you couldn't hold back?
-We didn't kiss, Jesse. Almost... but we didn't go further.
- That's already too much.
-I know. But it was a long time ago

I sigh and bury my face in my hands.

- It's not something I like to say, but Ellie should break up with Dina.
- Why?
- The way she looks at you, it's more than just friendship. She doesn't look at Dina this way.

I'm stunned by his words, which make my heart race.

-Don't play behind Dina's back. If you two want to be together, do it, but no secrecy.
- That won't happen, Jesse.
- Then stop looking at each other like that. Otherwise, she'll start to suspect something.

He's right. The door opens to let Dina and Ellie in, and I already apply my "detox" from Ellie. I don't meet her gaze and chat with Dina. Ellie seems to do the same. We talk, and Ellie is forced to sit next to me because Dina sits at the other end of the couch. The spots are filled, and we're quite close to each other, which doesn't help me forget Ellie. I can feel every detail of her body against mine and can't concentrate on the movie. I think about her body being even closer to mine if... if we were together. I squirm slightly, wanting to avoid arousing a sensitive part of my body, and clear my throat.

An hour later, everyone had closed their eyes, except me. I watched the movie without really seeing it. My thoughts were too restless. To my left, Ellie and Dina slept peacefully, while Jesse snored on the other side. I quietly get up from the couch and step outside without making a sound. The night isn't so cold, so I don't need to bundle up too warmly. I look up at the sky and sigh deeply. Before I can even delve into my thoughts, the door opens.

- Hey.., Ellie murmurs softly.
- Hey.

I focus on the sight in front of me, my lips tight, gnawed by anxiety. I had promised Jesse earlier not to act impulsively.

-You can't sleep?
- No. You? What are you doing up?
-You woke me up.

She gives me a slight smile and leans a bit too close to the railing next to me. I clear my throat gently, but we remain silent for a moment, until I feel a heavy gaze on me. I turn to her, plunging into her green eyes that seem to probe my soul once again. A lump forms in my throat, making it difficult to swallow. Her intense gaze makes me crave her lips. My eyes go back and forth between her eyes and her lips, and I can't help but remember Jesse's words:

Don't play behind Dina's back. [...] no secrecy.

She dances relentlessly in my thoughts, but my soul refuses to succumb to her grip. Ellie stares at my lips with a devouring intensity, tilting her face slightly towards mine. My lips part timidly, responding to her approach. At the moment our gazes meet again, it's as if the fire of passion ignites into a raging torrent. Our bodies press against each other with impetuous fervor, our mouths seek each other with untamed wildness. We surrender to the panting rhythm of our breaths, she pushes me gently against the wall of the house. Her hands roam my hips with fervent determination while mine wander into her hair, pulling her at times in a surge of unfulfilled desire. Hoarse sighs escape her lips as my moans brushing her ear resonate in the air charged with sensual electricity. Her tongue, eager, explores every inch of my neck, slowly moving up to my ear to whisper moans that make me shiver with desire. I demand more, always more from Ellie.

She quickly grabs my hair to give her even more access to my neck and she starts sucking on my skin leaving small red marks everywhere. My mouth only knows her name and I don't hesitate to say it. My hands roam every inch of her body and I start to venture under her clothes wanting to feel even more. We are like two wild animals who have just discovered the feeling of sexuality. I feel like nothing could stop this passionate moment. Unfortunately, she abruptly stops, out of breath, averting her eyes.

-I can't...

I stare at her intensely, my lips trembling with the desire to join hers on the bench. A heavy silence settles between us, our gazes lost in the void. My body stubbornly refuses to relax, our erratic breaths echoing as the only audible sound.


I turn my head towards her, still feeling that attraction that seems to have existed since my eyes first landed on her.

"Ugh fuck it..." she murmurs.

She kisses me again, her lips seeking mine with devouring passion, then she gently lays me down on the bench, asserting her dominance over me. A certainty settles within me: she now owns me, my body and soul.

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