Chapter 3 || TOUCH TENSION

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One year later (2039)

I slowly open my eyelids, exhausted from last night, then take in a deep breath. My eyelids blink several times before my eyes linger delightfully on every detail of the body on which my head rests lightly. The blanket barely covers us, allowing the sunbeams filtering through the curtains to caress Ellie's skin, making her even more radiant. Our bodies intertwine perfectly, creating a symbiosis that reinforces my desire to stay in this embrace for eternity.

I slowly lift my head to finally see Ellie's face, peacefully asleep. Some strands of her hair scatter across her face, giving her an aura of softness and exhaustion. My smile refuses to fade as my gaze lingers on her features. She's has such a captivating beauty. It's still hard for me to believe that I'm cuddled up against her every day. Our relationship is still young, and I have to get used to this feeling, to her presence that brings new light to my life. She makes me forget my past.

With the sun, I can see every little scar and freckle. Her breath is steady and delicate. She's deeply asleep, which gives me the opportunity to sit up. I let the blanket slide off my legs, revealing my bare chest. The morning rays warm my skin, and I gently close my eyes. I reminisce strongly about last night with Ellie, and my smile remains imprinted on my face. We had finished a patrol, and during it, we were... excited. Ellie kept teasing me, and it was quite hard to hold back. As soon as we arrived home, our clothes ended up on the floor as fast as lightning. It was just... perfect.

I feel a delicate hand gently rest on my back, tracing small circles. Goosebumps immediately run through my entire body, savoring every subtle touch from Ellie.

-Hmm... I murmur, tilting my head backward.

Ellie slowly sits up, placing sumptuous kisses on my back, slowly moving up towards my spine and shoulder. It's one of the most exquisite sensations I've ever experienced. The more she kisses me, the warmer my body becomes. If she keeps this up, it might end in another round of lovemaking. Again...

-Stop...I say silently.
-Why? You like it, don't you? She retorts, between four more sensual kisses.

Since we've been together, it's incredibly difficult for me to resist her charm and not give in to the urge to tear her clothes off at every moment. Every minute spent in her company is a delicious temptation. She has offered me the most wonderful pleasures, becoming a true addiction for me. She continues to traverse my skin with her lips, venturing towards my neck, sometimes leaving a mark. My nipples instantly harden under her caresses, eliciting sighs that force me to close my eyes to better savor every sensation.

-I know you want more. You can't resist me anymore.

Her whispers in my ears only intensify my state of arousal. I futilely try to evade this surge of desire, but I am completely trapped. She sits up more, pressing her bare chest against my back to observe better. Her hand slowly slips between my breasts, deliciously brushing my belly button. I squirm from side to side, letting emotions flood over me. My breath becomes short with every movement of her fingers, which dangerously approach my sensitive spot.


I slowly turn my head upward to meet her gaze, and without waiting, she crushes her lips against mine, cutting short my breath and the desire to moan her name. Her fingers descend without hesitation towards my vulva, slowly slipping in, savoring every moment of this exploration. I feel the urgency rising in me, ready to express all the pleasure she gives me, but her free hand firmly, but deliciously, grabs my hair, forcing me to prolong this kiss. Her movements are slow and deliberate, creating a sensual symphony with my panting breath, the viscous and liquid sound of her fingers' back and forth in my vagina as background noise.

Each stroke and pressure of her fingers sends an electric shock of pleasure through me, eliciting muffled sighs against her lips. I feel transported into a whirlwind of sensations, unable to think of anything but this carnal fusion with Ellie. Her movements are promises of satisfaction, each contact an invitation to completely surrender to this ecstasy. I cling to her, letting my body drown in this sea of pleasure, while she plays with every corner of my being.

I lose track of time, living only in the present moment, where all these sensations, shivers, and moans are amplified by our deep connection. Her movements become more urgent, moans also escape from her lips, making it difficult for both of us to hold back our voices. I arch my back and contort in all directions, desperately trying to amplify the sensations. My legs tighten as her fingers leave my intimacy to linger on my clitoris, caressing it with a devouring intensity, from left to right, taking advantage of the ease offered by my abundant wetness.

-Fuck... you're so... ugh... Ellie gasps, out of breath.

She is determined to bring me to orgasm, and we are both on the verge of reaching this ultimate peak of pleasure. Our panting voices resonate in the room as I feel waves of pleasure spread through every inch of my body, rising from my feet, through my legs, and beyond, until I succumb to the pressure, letting a torrent of excitement escape from my vagina.

Together, we reach the pinnacle of sexual ecstasy, and Ellie collapses on the bed, disheveled hair covering her face. I try to gather my thoughts, my body still vibrating from the intensity of our exchange.


I gaze at her and let a broad smile illuminate my face. Damn, I'm happy. I adjust a few rebellious strands of hair, then she finally sits up, still exhausted, to grab some toilet paper.

-Lie down, she says, a smirk playing on her lips.

I obey her request, and she begins to clean up the mess between my legs. Every time she approaches my sensitive part, I involuntarily flinch, biting my lower lip to contain my reactions.

-You're doing that on purpose, I smile.

-Maybe, she replies with a little conspiratorial laugh, before kissing me tenderly. Then I prepare to head to the bathroom.

-Are you coming with me? I ask her.

-Haha, you want another round? she jokes.
-You're always turned on,
- Always, when I'm with you, she responds with a mischievous smile.

I roll my eyes with a small smirk and head towards the small bathroom. I opt for a bath that will definitely help relax my muscles still tense from the recent ecstasy. The hot water envelops my body, soothing my tensions and my mind. I close my eyes, letting a smile spread across my lips as I get carried away by the tranquility of the moment. I stay there for a while before finally getting out and slipping on a simple T-shirt.

As I glance at the scar on my neck, I feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, I'm relieved to be able to show it to Ellie without feeling the need to hide it constantly. Ellie confided in me that she deliberately burned herself to erase her old bite before covering the mark with a tattoo. I wonder if I would have the courage to do the same thing. As I'm about to leave the bathroom, I grab a towel to dry my hair. When I look at Ellie, I see her holding my bag that was hidden under my bed, containing my WLF gear. Oh no...

I stare at her, uncertain of how to respond. Could she know about the WLF? Has she ever faced them before? Questions whirl in my head as I search for the right words to say.

-What's this? Ellie blurts out with a tense and suspicious expression.

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