Chapter 2.1 || TWO OF US

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The place stretches widely and remains remarkably preserved given the situation. It seems to have been simply abandoned. While exploring the area, I come across various items that could prove useful for our defense. After assembling a Molotov cocktail, I consider it might come in handy during our upcoming patrol. Time ticks away, about twenty minutes have already passed since Ellie left for her round, and worry begins to creep in.

I make the decision to approach the door, but suddenly, I freeze in place upon hearing unsettling sounds coming from infected. Their number seems significant. Quickly, I grab the Molotov cocktail, realizing it utility will be needed sooner than expected, and I prepare to light it up. Reality hits me – facing these creatures alone is out of the question. I feel the urgent need for Ellie's presence. Suddenly, she comes running towards me, both exhausted and fueled by palpable fury.

- RUN!

I see a horde of infected running behind, enraged and thirsty for violence. My eyes widen, and I take a few steps back, unable to run properly.


I snap out of it and realize the gravity of the situation.


Ellie reacts swiftly, and I send the Molotov cocktail towards an infected getting close to her. In a frantic run, we attempt to distance ourselves from the horde. Ellie, ahead of me, guides our escape towards an imminent shelter. Although we manage to get away slightly, the infected persist in their pursuit. Suddenly, one of them shoves me, causing my weapons to fall to the ground, and violently attacks me. In a fierce struggle, I desperately try to break free, suddenly seeing Ellie grab the infected by the hair, swiftly slashing the throat. She pushes it aside and extends a saving hand to me.

- Come on, we need to get out of here. We're not safe.

I retrieve my weapons and wipe the blood off me while closely following Ellie.

- Are you okay? she asks.
- Yeah, you?
- Yes

The groans of the infected still echo, but for now, we are safe. Ellie has led us to an abandoned and dilapidated building, which seems to be the old ski resort shop. Inside, abandoned equipment, old sweaters, and souvenir items testify to the lively past of this place. I sense Ellie's breathing returning to normal as she sits on the floor, leaning against a wall.

- Have you ever faced so many infected before?
- No, never, I say, sitting beside her.

I take a deep breath and wipe the blood from my face.

- Pretty intense for a first ti...

Her abrupt interruption piques my curiosity, prompting me to look at her. Her gaze is fixed on my neck where the bite, barely concealed by my hair, catches her attention. Damn it. A moment of heavy silence, then she quickly stands up, pointing her gun at me. Unease settles in.

- The infected bit you.

She looks at me with a suspicious, almost murderous look.

- Ellie, it's just blood.
- Don't take me for a fool, there's a fucking bite!
- Put down the gun! I raise my voice hoping she'll listen, but it's quite the opposite. She's even more wary, her eyebrows furrowing harshly.

- Ellie, please. It's not... damn it, just put the gun down.
- Then what is it! she says aggressively.

I feel a deep apprehension at the thought that she might pull the trigger, as we've just met. I don't know how to say it. My thoughts break free, and I say,

- I'm immune, I say with a trembling voice. I'm... immune.

Her gaze remains unchanged, a threatening glint persists, however, the gun she was holding slowly lowers, shifting away from pointing at me.

- What... she almost whispers.

- I can't get infected. I know it's hard to believe, but...

She quickly moves towards me, letting her gun fall with a dull thud. Crouching by my side, she offers the warmth of her breath against my face. Her fingers delicately wipe the blood from my wound, scrutinizing the bite. My eyes remain fixed on her, and I perceive a gentle surprise lighting up her expression. She seems... amazed. Rolling up the sleeve of her coat, she reveals her tattoo. My gaze lands on it, but the meaning of her demonstration still escapes me.

- Behind the tattoo, there's a chemical burn I inflicted on myself and behind that... there's a bite.

A silence envelops the moment, freezing our verbal exchanges. Our eyes meet again, as if every nuance of our expressions could convey the unspoken.

- I'm immune too.

These simple words manage to warm my entire heart. After all these years, I thought I was alone, immune, and here an unexpected encounter brings forth someone who truly understands me. Relief washes over my body, and I feel like I can breathe again.

She sits on the ground beside me, letting out a sigh while staring at the floor. From my first encounter with Ellie, I had sensed there was more between us. We both remain seated, eyes lost in the intricacies of the floor, and suddenly, a multitude of thoughts intertwine in my mind. Questions rush forth, eager to be asked. When our eyes meet again, it's as if our souls are speaking to each other. Like a river flowing into the ocean. A delightful shiver runs down my spine, and I sigh softly, releasing my embarrassment and tension in this silent exchange.

- We should continue...

With a simple nod, I retrieve my weapons, while Ellie picks up hers, left a little further on the ground. Walking side by side, enveloped in silence for the rest of the patrol and until we reach Jackson, our thoughts seem to converse with the muffled sounds of our steps.

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