Chapter 2.3 || START OF ALL

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Summer 2035 - (Three years ago)

- I'm going to the gym, wanna come?
- Hmm... no. Too early.

I turn over, facing the wall, comfortably nestled in my bed, pulling the blanket over my shoulders.

- You should stop being such a lazybones.
- I'm not lazy, I'm just in a longterm and perfect relationship with my bed.
- Yeah, right.

Abby laughs and tosses one of her old dirty shirts at me.

- Oh damn, Abby! You're... gross. How long has that one been lying around?
- Two weeks.

I pretend to gag and throw the shirt back at her face. She laughs and grabs her gym bag.

- It's your turn for laundry duty.
- I'll take care of it when I get back.

I finally sit up on my bed, rubbing my eyes, still tired. While Abby gets ready and braids her hair, I find myself staring at her from head to toe, analyzing her physique. She's worked significantly on her body since we joined the WLF. She's no longer the little girl I once knew with a firefly. Her body is sculpted like an iceberg, and she's very imposing compared to my slim appearance. I blink several times to remove my gaze from her body, then clear my throat to avoid indulging in fantasies about my best friend.

- Any plans for today? She asks.
- Uh... I'm supposed to switch base today with my dad, and I'll probably go see Matt.

She's facing away from me, but I can sense her facial expression isn't positive.

- Stop it, Abby. Matt is... fine.
- Fine? You're kidding, there's better.
- Oh yeah, who?
- Me.

When she quickly says that word, it freezes me in place. I look at her, confused and surprised by this sudden revelation. She becomes extremely nervous and doesn't even look me in the eye. She simply grabs her bag and walks towards the door of our dorm.

- Never mind, see you later.

She closes the door behind her, and I keep my eyes on her through the large windows of our room overlooking the vast football stadium. A sigh escapes my lips, and I run my hands over my face, trying to push this event to the background. Eventually, I decide to head to the bathroom to take a shower and start my day.

After that, I put on black cargo pants and a simple white t-shirt. I'm about to grab my bag when someone knocks on the door.

- Come in.

The door opens, and it's my boyfriend, Matt. I scrutinize him slightly before stepping towards him.

Hi, he smiles at me.

I hug him and smile strangely against his shoulder. It's been a year since I've been with him, and I'm trying to convince myself that I'm really in love with him. I lie to myself to hide the fact that I'm attracted to girls. His curly hair brushes gently against my face, sending shivers down my spine.

- How are you? Getting ready to go where?
- I'm about to join my dad, we're changing base today.
- Isn't that tomorrow?
- They changed it for today.
- Damn. We were supposed to spend the day together.
- Yeah, I know.

A hint of disappointment tinges our exchanges, but I choose not to let this frustration ruin the moment. We look at each other for a moment, our gazes understanding each other beyond words, and I decide to offer him a reassuring smile.

- We'll make it up as soon as possible, promise.

He kisses me gently, but I pull away slowly to grab my bag.

- I gotta go.
- See you later?
- Yes, probably before I leave.

He smiles at me, and we both go our separate ways. As I walk, I reflect on the fact that I really need to break up with him. It's not fair to lie to him or to myself. I greet several people on the way, while petting some dogs I'm fond of.

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