Chapter 1.5 || PATROLLER

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Present (summer 2038)

- I specifically asked you not to make any mistakes, and here you are going on patrol.
- All my life, you've never approved anything. For once, can you trust me? I'll handle it, I'm your daughter.

- I... I'm just afraid of losing you like I lost your mother, Lilianna.
- Everything will be fine. I can handle it, and I won't be alone.

His protective fatherly gaze meets mine, then he gently taps his foot.

- I'd at least like you to stay close to Jackson. Remote areas are the last option.
- Alright.

I settle on the couch as well, then rest my head against his shoulder.

- When was the last time we were able to relax like this?
- Never. He replies.
- And it won't be the last.
- Have you met other people?
- A friend of Dina's, Jesse, and a man in a bar named Joel.
- You went to a bar?!
- Uh, what, I said bar, I meant barn

He gives me a little tap on the shoulder and reminds me to moderate my alcohol consumption.

- I have to go, I found something to do too.
- What?
- I'm helping at the stable.
- Pretty good for an old man.
- Say that again and you forget about the patrol.
- You forget that I'm an adult sometimes.
- An adult, but still my daughter.

He makes a point. I love it when we have chemistry. We're not always bickering. He smiles at me and closes the door behind him.

- I better get dressed before noon.

Dina asked me to meet her. She has some information for me regarding my integration into the patrol. I start tomorrow, and she needs to give me several things and, of course, my very first horse. I'm excited. I wouldn't want to leave Jackson for anything in the world. It's so peaceful and easy.

I hurry to the coffee stand and spot Dina and Jesse chatting together.

- Hey.
- Hi Lilianna, Dina and Jesse greet in unison.
- Ready? Jesse asks.
- Yes, I think so.
- Then let's go.
- Wait, not yet. Ellie is joining us.
- I guess she's not awake yet.
- I think so, I'll go get her. Start with Jesse, I'll join you as soon as I manage to get this sleepyhead out of bed.

We chuckle and begin our walk to our first stop: the weapons. I'm in heaven. There are several I can choose from at my discretion. We have time to go to the stables where I run into my dad and the man from the bar, Joel, and I choose my horse. It's splendid, black with a single spot on its left leg. I nickname him Oreo. I've never had the chance to taste those cookies, but my dad mentioned that it was his favorite snack before the pandemic.

- Can I ask you something? I ask Jesse.
- You and Dina, are you...
- It was a while ago.
- Okay.
- Do you have a crush on her too? He says with a surprised but playful look.
- No, no, no. We barely know each other, and I'm not interested in girls.

Obviously, I'm hiding the truth from his piercing gaze. Since my early childhood, my heart has raced for girls, but the weight of this secret has always stifled my voice. My mother would have been the only confidante I would have considered revealing this hidden part of myself to. He knows i'm lying.

- Perfect. Ahh, but if it isn't our bear coming out of hibernation.
- Shut it, Jesse. I was exhausted last night.

I direct my captivated gaze towards the new female voice that presents itself to me, and my heart skips a fleeting beat, suspended in the moment. She approaches us, and my eyes linger on her presence, captivated by a soft and enchanting emotion. Words escape me, my mind is in turmoil, plunged into a state of delightful confusion.

Who's this?

- Ellie, meet Lilianna, new member of the patrol.

Her green eyes finally meet mine, and my body heats up. I feel like I'm going to melt like an ice cube.

- Hi, she says.
- Hi.

I suddenly feel like this connection goes beyond what I thought.

- Are you hungry? Of course, I exclude Ellie, as it's certain that you're hungry. Jesse?
- Yeah.
- Lilianna?
- Yes.

Ellie and Dina walk hand in hand, a scene that extinguishes the flames of my attractive emotions towards Ellie. The obviousness of their romantic bond hits me. Jesse, sensing my disappointment, offers a understanding smile before cheerfully heading towards them. I'm not here for love, Lilianna. I follow behind them as we make our way to the only food market in town.

I only buy a croissant with the little change I have on me, and Dina suggests going to Ellie's to relax after Dina show me the rest of the stuff. before tomorrow morning's patrol. The only thing I know is that I have to be ready by 6 a.m. Upon arrival, I thought we were going to enter a house, but it's actually a garage behind the house. It's vastly different from what I expected. There's the essentials for living, a bed, toilet, and television.

- Do you have any weed? Dina asks Ellie.
- Yeah, I have a little left.
- Seriously, girls, it's not good for you, Jesse chimes in.
- I don't care, we're not together anymore, remember. Relax, Jesse.

I watch them chat like real buddies, and I feel like I'm intruding. They all look at me from time to time, except Ellie. She seems shy or reserved. She doesn't like my presence.

- Well, not that I hate you guys, but I'm gonna head home.
- What, already? Dina says. Don't you want to stay a bit? Ellie suggested watching a movie.
- I'll pass this time. I'm exhausted and I want to be fresh for tomorrow.

They all say goodbye to me, except Ellie. Although she may be attractive, her character is trash. As I close the door behind me, I wander through the small streets of Jackson. The night settles in, and the feeling that washes over me is delightful. The wind is gentle and cool. Sitting on a bench, I desperately try to chase away my thoughts, but they inexorably fixate on her. The details of her face slowly emerge in my mind, with the scar on her eyebrow, her hair tied in a clumsy bun, and what captivated my gaze: her hands, of striking precision.

A revelation suddenly strikes me: the attraction I felt towards Dina vanished in an instant. My heart irresistibly shifted towards Ellie as soon as she took the decisive step towards me. For the first time in my life, I am overwhelmed by intense feelings of love for a person I barely know.

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