Chapter 1.3 || RECRUIT

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I arrive at my destination, and the patrol still hasn't returned. The center is empty, no one is around. Since the conversation with my father, I can't stop thinking about it. We came here to seek refuge and start a new life. I want to be useful, and he knows I'm capable of it. I sigh heavily, then tuck my hands into the pockets of my jeans. I touch something with my right hand. The more I feel the object, the more I realize it's my badge from my old clan, the WLF. I thought I had hidden all symbols of the Wolves. Damn it.

I must not let anyone see it. Let's just say the WLF isn't very friendly. If people from the village know about the Wolves, I could get into big trouble, and so could my father. While waiting for the others, I head toward the targets, trying to distract myself from my badge. I remember when I got it. I was 17. Isaac Dixon, the leader of the WLF, spotted me with my father training me in pistol and rifle. As a result, I became part of the military group, division A. My father was proud of me. In his own way.

I'm starting to get impatient. I grab a pistol and analyze each target. I need to distract myself. Thinking about the WLF and Isaac gets me fired up. I raise my weapon and start shooting as if I'm facing a giant bloater. My facial features tense up. Isaac is a bastard, and one day, I'll kill him. I hate being immune to this shit. I wouldn't have lost my mom and my clan. I hate them from the bottom of my soul. I fire my last bullet and stare at the mannequins riddled with holes as my breath becomes erratic.

- Well... I'm impressed.

I turn, surprised to hear a voice, and discover a familiar face, Dina.

- How do you like it? I say, smiling at her.
- Are you kidding! Not a single bullet hit the fence behind. The mannequins took a beating.
- Indeed, I say, chuckling discreetly.

Before I can put down the pistol, another voice joins in.

- Dina, you could've waited for me.
- Sorry, Jesse, I was already late getting Lilianna back. Jesse, meet Lilianna.
- Nice to meet you, Jesse.
- Likewise.
- Don't mind him, he's a scaredy-cat.
- Are you talking about yourself?

She gives him a pat on the shoulder, and we all laugh together. I like them. They could become good patrol companions.

- Where's Ellie?
- Went home. Tired from patrol. She'll join you later at your place.
- Oh... alright. Lilianna, I don't need to see what you're capable of. You've proven it just now. I'll talk to the patrol leader and get back to you tomorrow.
- No problem.
- I gotta go, but if there's anything...

She grabs a piece of paper and elegantly writes her address. A charming smile lights up her face, and she disappears with Jesse. I find her fascinating. My smirk refuses to disappear.

- Fuck, get it together.

Evening begins to set in, and I finally arrive home. After meeting Dina and Jesse, I went exploring the area to get to know the area better and familiarize myself with the small shops. I kept my hands in my pockets all day for fear of losing my badge. My past must remain in the past.

I quickly head to my trinket bag and place my badge inside.

- You stay in there.

This exhausting day certainly deserves a refreshing shower. The events of the day still echo in my mind, especially my encounter with Dina. Her charm and impressive presence haunt my thoughts, preventing me from focusing on anything else. The hot water flows abundantly over my tired body, creating a soothing atmosphere in the bathroom. However, my mind remains fixated on the image of Dina, a strikingly beautiful young woman with a remarkable personality. The warmth of the water contrasts with the shiver that runs through my body as I think back to our exchanges. My groin reacts in an unusual way, revealing the irresistible grip of the attraction I feel.

It is at this moment that I finally manage to refocus my thoughts. I try to dismiss the sensual wanderings and redirect my focus to the challenges that lie ahead.

Damn it...

I'm not here to find love. I splash cold water on my face and continue to shower. Tomorrow is another day. Everything will be fine.

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