Chapter 3.1 || MOUSE AND CAT

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I feel as frozen as a block of ice, staring at the sports bag she's holding tightly in her hands. Lies swirl in my head, trying to hide this part of my past. What can I possibly tell her? I have no desire to lie, but this part of my life, I prefer to keep to myself. I meet her icy gaze, which seems to see right through me, and then I begin:

-These are things I found on my first patrols with Dina.
-Are you serious? Do you really think I'll believe that?
-It's the truth, Ellie, I say, looking away to avoid her gaze, placing my towel on a desk.
-Oh yeah, sure.

She drops the bag to the floor and grabs her sweater and pants, determined to uncover the whole truth. Her determination frustrates me. I watch her dress quickly, amazed at her speed.

-What are you doing?
-Get dressed. We're going to ask Dina.
-What?! No.
-Why not? If it's the truth, it shouldn't be a problem.
-Ellie, for God's sake, these are just things I found. Why can't you let it go?
-Because I know you're lying to me, fuck !

Her tone is hard and powerful, a first in our year together. I sigh deeply and stare at the floor, my steps echoing in the room.

-They're just things!
-Things? she exclaims, raising her eyebrows.

She rushes to my bag on the floor and pulls out several items with WLF insignias. My WLF badge, my coat adorned with a painted wolf, and photos. Photos showing me clearly with Abby and Matt. I close my eyes for a moment, sighing heavily.

-And you still dare to lie to me when I know the truth. What. is. this?!

Her tone rises slightly in intensity, her gaze piercing through me. Why is she so upset?

-How do you know the WLF?
-Don't turn the questions back on me.
-I want to know.
-They're fucking psychopaths, Lilianna. They've killed several of our patrols over the years. I almost died two years ago because those bastards ambushed me. So why do you have all this?"

I blink several times before sighing again. Her eyes stay fixed on mine as I try to avoid hers.

- I was... part of that clan before I came here, I say, my voice barely audible.

Her expression hardens, her eyebrows furrow further. It looks like she's trying to grasp the situation. Ellie scans the room before looking back at my things.

-You're just a liar. You're mingling with the enemy and why are you here, huh? Gathering information about Jackson?
-What? No, Ellie, it's not...
-I don't give a damn about your excuses.

She turns and storms out. I run after her, trying to grab her arm, but she pulls away violently and keeps going.

-Ellie, let me explain.

She doesn't slow down for a second, disappearing from my sight behind a house.

-Damn it, I mutter, hitting the wall violently. I regret it immediately and go back inside. Tears threaten to fall, but I hold them back despite the pain and anger consuming me.

I pace back and forth and put my bag under my bed. I close my eyes, trying to keep my breathing steady, then realize I need to tell my father. I quickly put on pants and run to my father's house. As soon as I arrive, I see Joel through the window. What's he doing here? I enter and notice Tommy's presence. What's this meeting about?

-Lilianna? Are you okay?
-She knows.
-Who? Knows what?
-Ellie, she found my bag. She knows about the WLF.
-Damn...,replies Joel. I'll talk to her.
No, Joel, you have to stay here for...

Suddenly, I feel all eyes in the room on me. Did I miss something?

-What's going on?
-They know where we are. Isaac has sent James and the WLF after us.
-Are they still looking for a cure?
-With what we know, he has all the resources needed to finalize the cure. The only one left... is you, says my father.

I really thought I was done with all this shit.

-I need to warn Ellie.
-No! You stay here.
-I'm going to find her whether you like it or not...

Suddenly, gunshots ring out and screams outside catch our attention. I open the door to see what's happening and see people panicking. They're running for cover wherever they can, while some, braver ones, brandish their weapons to defend themselves. I prepare to step off the porch, but a hand grabs me.

-Let me go! I scream.

My father pulls me back inside before slamming the door shut.

-Your life is in danger, Lilianna. Can you understand that?
-And can you understand that I won't leave Ellie alone!

I've never really yelled at my father like this, but anger and distress take over. I can't bear the thought of something happening to Ellie. I can't imagine losing her. Joel looks at me, just as worried for Ellie.

-Go with Joel, Tommy and I will take care of Ellie.
-No, I'm coming with you.
-Lilianna, enough!

His tone is so firm that I stay silent and look at him with frustration. My heart races, tears welling up due to my rising anger.

-You're going with Joel, and no more words.

Gunshots echo through the house and shatter the window. We crouch down while Tommy and my father take down several men. When I look out the window, I see the tall and provocative figure of James, determinedly looking for his target... me. He coldly locks eyes with me and starts firing several shots.

-LILIANNA! he shouts.

My father grabs my arm and we run in the opposite direction from James, all of us heading outside.

-Go, leave with Joel, now!

I quickly hug my father before he emits a loud, horrible sound. He falls violently to the ground, his body covered in blood.


I rush to him, ignoring the blood on my clothes, and cry my heart out.

-Dad, you can't leave me alone...

The shooting continues as Joel tries to fend them off. Tommy arrives in the backyard and sees my father's body lying on the ground.

-We need to go, Lilianna.-
-I can't leave him... I can't.
-Please, Lilianna, we have to go, says Tommy, shielding me with his body.

Joel forcefully grabs me with both arms and pushes me away from my father.

-Dad! Let me go, Joel!

I struggle, but it's no use. He's stronger than me. Tommy heads into town, searching for Ellie as best he can. Joel is so focused on trying to hold me that he doesn't notice someone behind him who hits him violently on the head, making us both fall to the ground. A hand grabs me and pulls me to my feet. My face freezes when I see the familiar face. Abby.


She punches me hard in the face, and I collapse to the ground.


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