Chapter 7: Half a smile

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They reached the house after a while and went inside. Elizabeth went to go sit at the counter quietly while Liu went to go lock the doors. An awkward silence followed. "We match.." Liu said smiling slightly. "Hm what do you mean?" Elizabeth asked . Liu point to her face. "Oh..I guess we match" she said rubbing her face it had stitches on it now but it would heal soon. "So about you not being you?" She asked. "Hmmm..oh! Sully" he said. "Sully?" She asked. "Who exactly is sully?" She said while tilting her head confused. "Well uhh..sully is sully" he replied shrugging his shoulders. "You wanna talk to him or something." He added on. "Sure." She said while waiting silently.

"//what do you want?\\" sully asked in a rude tone. Elizabeth was shocked on how fast the tone changed. "Who are you? That's what I want I want to know who are you." Elizabeth went to go get a glass of water. "//im sully like Liu said\\" he replied snatching the glass of water drinking it. "You are speaking in the same body as him though?" She asked again still not getting the concept. "//Look lady I don't care if you don't get it just know I'm sully.\\ he replied rudely. "Rude.." she said under her breath. "Sorry about that Lizzy" he said scratching the back of his head. Elizabeth stood there silent for a moment. "Don't call me that" she said sighing. Liu laughed softly in the way she responded. "Same old Lizzy." Liu said smiling. "You've only been gone for a day Liu and came back" she said planting her hand on her forehead. "A lot can change in a day you know?" Liu said. "Plus I think sully warming up to you!" He said happily. "//no I'm not.\\" sully replied. "Shhh at least try." He said to sully. "Hey it's dark out Lizzy and after what happened you look tired.." Liu said. "Gee thanks" she said rolling her eyes turning around to walk to her room. "Good night Lizzy!!" He yelled. "Good night.." she said quietly. Liu has a faint blush on his face at the fact he was friends with Elizabeth. It felt like it had been forever since he saw her well at least to him not really sully.

It was the next day and Elizabeth and Liu were awake. Elizabeth was in the bath room observing the large cut on the right side of her face while Liu was on the couch watching tv.

While Elizabeth was in the bathroom she ran her finger along her scar. "Who knew scars could make me so cool" she said sorta admiring her self for looking tough. Though the fear of Jeff the killer always stayed in her mind she had to admit the scar was pretty cool. "Lizzy are you okay you've been in the bathroom for a while!!" Liu yelled. "Come watch tv with me!" He said looking behind him at the bathroom door. "Uh..UH GIVE ME A SECOND!" She yelled quickly getting out the bathroom and going to sit with him. She was kinda breathing hard but Liu ignored it. They were watching tv together until Liu had an idea. "Wanna go on walk lizzy?" He asked out of the blue. "Sure? I guess it's kinda cold out though, not exactly the greatest times for walks." Elizabeth responded with a faint smile on her face. "Okay up and atta!!" Liu said jumping up from his seat and heading to wards the door. "You coming?" he said looking in Elizabeth's direction. "Give me a sec.." she said getting up slowly from her and and getting her jacket on. "Okay then let's go." She said heading out the door with him.

They went to the park together walking around it but during the entire time Elizabeth tried covering her face. Sooner or later Liu noticed this. "You okay? You keep trying to cover your face something wrong?" He asked nicely. "//probably BECUADE of that scar she has//" sully said in a mean tone towards her. "HEY!" She said smacking him on the arm. "Owww.." Liu said. "Oh.. OH IM SORRY LIU!" She said franticly patting his arm. "It's fine really" he said laughing a little. "But I do have a question." Liu said while fixing his scarf. "Do you not like your scar?" Liu asked a bit of sadness in his voice. "No, no I do like it it's just!" Liu interrupted her taking of his scarf and wrapping around her face. "What a shame we could've matched he said sighing. Elizabeth has a slight blush on her face and smiled. "It's fine you can take your scarf back.." she said looking down. "Eh it was starting to get itchy anyways" he said shrugging.

They both went to go sit down on a near by bench. "So?" Liu said. "What's your opinion on sully so far?" He asked. "Hey why ask this out of the blue?" She asked. "Well your gonna have to get use to him if me and him live with you." Liu said while shoving Elizabeth a little bit. "//yeah lizzy you afraid your gonna hurt my feelings, how sweet.//" he said while flashing a smile a her his eye brows narrowed. Elizabeth rolled her eyes and scoffed. "I think sully is a rude weirdo." She replied. Liu giggled a bit as sully started to speak again. "//wow you really got me there darn my feelings are so hurt.\\" sully said in a sarcastic tone while Liu started to talk again. "Wanna go to a bakery Liu?" Elizabeth asked. "Sure! Lead the way." Liu said smiling at her.

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