Chpater 11: the note.

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Liu sat there slowly opening the note. "God damnit Jeff." Liu said to himself Threw his teeth. The note said "what a nice place you god Liu it would be such a shame if someone took an important part of home. Oh right I made that shame happen, I hope this adds to your suffering -Jeff". Liu read the note with burning anger inside him hot tears ran down his face. He couldn't think straight he closed his eyes and got up slowly almost falling back down as he was breathing heavy looking out side the window. He opened his eyes and ran to the front door. Liu wasn't going to allow this to happen again this cycle of him losing someone he cared about will end.

Meanwhile with Elizabeth. She was in a dark place that smelled like blood she felt tired her head acheing as she opened her eyes slightly. All she could Rember was being in her room and getting knocked out. She noted that her hand had some dried up blood on it. "What the hell..." she said her voice cracked a bit. "Not this again.." she said to herself. Suddenly the dark room she was In became light. She winced as the light hit her eyes. "Hello Lizzy..!" a figure said in a mocking tone with a scratchy voice. Elizabeth's heart sank and she looked up. It was Jeff. His face was so obscured, his smile wide and almost taunting. The Oder of him so strong and horrible and his clothes very raggity. She felt a shiver go down her spin trying to move back wards. "WHERE AM I?!" She yelled Jeff. "And why would I tell you?" Jeff said with an insane smile on his face. "You- YOU ASSHOLE YOU FUCKING STINK WHEN I GET FREE-" Elizabeth was cut up when she felt a hand cover her mouth. "shut the fuck up you little bitch..your hurting my ears" Jeff said rubbing his head. "Bold of you to asume you'd even get free...oh well I guess I'll just have to kill you now since you want to scream." Jeff said in a threating tone. Jeff soon pulled his hand away from her face. "Liu will know I'm gone.." Elizbeth said quietly. "Ohhhh he'lll know alright..he just won't be able to find you." he said laughing to himself a little. Elizabeth sat there breathing heavily watching how insane Jeff was. "Why are you doing this to me..." She asked her voice shakey. Jeff looked at her his eyes wide no sign of pity to be seen. "You think you can just be free without me finding you?" He went closer to Elizabeth's face tracing the half of a smile scar on her face. He got close to her ear. "I'm apart of you now whether you like it or not." He backed away from her watching Elizabeth as tears formed in her eyes. "Oh well...I'll be back or not.." Jeff said. Elizabeth was too stunned to speak as she sat there frozen everything didn't seem real. Jeff called out for someone to come into the room. "Ben watch this thing for me I'll be back.." Jeff said to the person who just came into the room.

It was silent Elizbeth was quiet and refused to say anything. "Helloooooo?" The blond boy said he looked as if he some sort of game character. Elizabeth looked up at him. "Wow he really got to you that bad?" The guy known as Ben asked. Elizbeth still was unresponsive. Sooner or later Ben got board of the sielence Elizbeth kept on giving him. "UGHHHHHHHHH..." Ben groaned while laying on the floor. "TOBY WANNA SEE JEFFS TORCUEE SUBJECT!!" Ben shouted out. Elizbeth immediately lifted her head at the sound of a familiar name. Soon Toby walked in she had never felt so relived to see him. "W-what T-the hell d-do you want B-Ben- E-ELIZABETH?!" When toby came into the room to see he saw Elizabeth and his jaw dropped. "So it has a name?" Ben asked. "Y-yes dumbass s-she has a n-name?!" Toby replied. Toby then looked at Elizbeth and walked towards her "d-dude w-what happened?!" He whispered to her in a worried tone. "I was just sitting in my house untill I heard the door opens and I thought it was Liu but it was that crazy maniac!" She whispered back to Toby. "Does l-Liu k-know th-that your gone?" Toby asked. Elizabeth nodded her head. "Where am I?" Elizabeth asked quietly. "D-don't w-worry a-about it.." Toby replied looked over his shoulder at Ben. "wellllllll I see that you are fimoliar with her anywho you can watch her! Byeeeeeee!" Ben left the room leaving Toby and Elizabeth alone. "Toby you have to help me.." Elizbeth said with a desprateness in her voice. Toby took a step back. "I d-don't kn-lnow how t-to help.." Toby said. "Find Liu and tell him to come to this loacation please Toby..." Elizbeth begged to Toby before he nodded. "Thank you Toby.." she said relived happily.

Toby left the place into the woods rushing through trying to find Liu. Untill, he bumped into someone. "What the hell are you doing here Toby..." a scratchy voice said that Toby soon recognized as Jeff. "N-need T-to kill.." Toby replied quickly almost sounding possessed. Jeff raised an eye brow (does he even have any, who knows?). "Okay.." he said walking sea from Toby. Toby took a deep breath and kept running towards where he could find Liu and sooner or later he saw him in the distance and ran fast to him. "Liu! L-Liu!" He said breathing heavily. Liu was..cold he wouldn't speak and just ignores Liu a kept trying to walk through the forest to find Elizbeth Liu was determined and he was in his own little world. "I-it's about E-Elizabeth!" Toby yelled out of breath. Liu stoped for a second and looked back at Toby. "Where." Liu said bluntly coldly staring at Toby.. "M-mansion.." Toby responded. Liu suddenly snapped out of it and started running towards where the mansion would be. "//don't do anything you'll regret\\" silly's voice echoed threw Luis brain until he reached the mansion and stood at the door breathing heavily. He placed a hand on the door and pushed it open. "Here we go.." he said quietly to himself.

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