Chpater 14: get out of my house weirdo..

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There was a long pause and everyone was quiet. Liu pushed Elizabeth back a bit from Ben as he was on edge on how Ben was in his house. "What are you doing here" Liu said almost appalled by Ben's presence. "Don't be like that Liu..I just wanted to pop in and say hi!" Ben said with an almost mocking voice. "Well whatever I guess I just guessed I would pop in before somebody else would" Ben said smiling the blood from his eyes dripping down a bit. Elizbeth was almost intrigued by the blood falling out his eyes but she kept her distance when looking. "What do you mean somebody else? Is someone else going to come here???" Elizbeth groan not wanting anymore guests. Ben just giggled his voice sounding almost robotic. "Well when the time comes you'll figure it out yourself, Liu." Ben looked at Liu and then Elizbeth. "Get out of my house weirdo.." Elizbeth said sighed pointing to the door. "I'll be back, then again I'll always be watching wont I!" Ben giggled to himself as he turned around and was almost sucked back into the computer.

"I really need to put tape over my computer camera.." Elizbeth said sighing and then looking at Liu. He looked a bit on edge and worried. She nudged him, "ow!" Liu yelped. "You've killed people before yet you cant handle a nudge?" Elizebeth asked almost in a teasing way. "No! I can handle a nudge it was just unexpected ..." Liu said his voice going back into an almost worried tone. "Hey dude little be alright! The Ben guy probably won't come back" Elizbeth said picking up the groceries Liu droped onto the ground in her room to put on the counter. "Need any help?" Liu asked going to go help carry the groceries with Elizbeth. "Nah you can put some stuff away though like milk and stuff..." Elizbeth said heading towards the kitchen.

A few minutes later they put away the groceries and both sit down to watch tv. Liu said on the couch a bit uncomfortable ofcouse Elizbeth noticed this and asked him what's wrong. "You okay dude?" She asked lowering the tv volume so she could hear him. "Everything is alright but I'm just worried about what might happen and whatever Ben was talking about.." Liu said as he lays deeper into the crouch. "He probably meant nothing everything I heard of his mouth was like blah blah blah." Elizbeth said making a kind of talking gesture with her hand. Liu giggled a little smiling at Elizbeth. "You wanna know what we should do?" Elizbeth said enthusiastically to Liu. "What should we do?" He said smiling back "we should adopt a cat!" Elizabeth said happily. Liu slight blushed at how happy Elizbeth was. "Ha..a cat?" He questioned a bit unsure. "Yeah! A cat I feel like it'll make the place more homey you know?" She said already thinking of what cat to get. Liu thought about it and agreed. Both Elizbeth and Liu got ready to go to the pet center to go get a cat.

"What kind of cat do you want Liu?" Elizbeth asked. "Defensive a black cat I feel like the vibe of one would fit right in with us yk?" Liu said walking out the door with Elizbeth. "Great idea" Elizbeth said happily to Liu. They both let the house walking to the pet center to go pick out a cat but that leaves the question what cat will they get and if they do get a cat what kind of problems would they encounter but that leaves the choices for next chapter.

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